The Widening Gyre

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One of the worst things that can happen to the planet or any planet besides the people that live on it fighting is probably the people destroying it through their massive waste that hurts said planet more than it could ever possibly heal.

Heck take the living garbage pile that Ben and the usual gang are having to investigate let alone fight whatever problems or coming from it as the Plumbers and the local government along with the people are all worried about seeing a massive island made of junk getting closer to different cities along with those cities vanishing off the map.

The place was littered with junk so old that it probably made Grandpa Max feel nostalgic again for his glory days while everyone else wondered what some of the stuff there might have even been let alone what they were actually used for to end up here.

Things didn't get any better once little blob monsters started forming and separating the group through a tidal wave of trash to the point that when Y/n was finally able to open his eyes again he was surrounded by the trash monsters as they started getting closer towards him. And from the look in their eyes he could tell that whatever was going through their head wasn't going to be anything good or helpful towards Y/n at all.

Cracking his neck Y/n charges towards the trash monsters and goes right through them like they were made of liquid but with shard and rough edges as he got cuts, bruises, and some stains on his clothes and face after three go around with those things.

After going through the finale garbage monster Y/n was having enough of everything and went flame on as he lit up like a giant match as he started attacking the creatures with fire based attacks with some of them being constructs made of fire.

Y/n was blasting everything so hard and so long that some of the garbage men monsters were starting to look like conjoined twins or two headed dragons, with quite a few of them having more than one arm with it either being above or below the torso.

At some point however a lot more of these monsters started appearing to the point that Y/n decided it was time for a run and gun approach to these fools and began throwing fire bombs like he was NRG or something.

Heck after a while of running Y/n begins to wonder why he didn't just use that in the first place before realizing that he didn't have him as his base energy form was too much and too hot to handle for even Y/n to touch alone.

Either that or his entire body was rejecting to have some of that alien DNA become a part of him as it did with a lot of Ben's aliens that were either too powerful or altered the body too much like Y/n didn't have anything besides Wild-Mutt that wasn't humanoid nor did he have Alien-X.

But none of that really mattered as Y/n was getting hit by rockets from who knows where as they seemed to have many points of origin along with quite a few of them looking familiar as well, with Y/n eventually getting tired of getting hit and exploding every two minutes.

After the fiftieth hit or so Y/n was more than over the bombings and just started running towards where the last bomb had come from and honestly didn't really care if he had to invade a foreign country or not as fifty bombs to the face is honestly more than enough reason to get pissed at something.

A short enough run later and he comes face to face with NRG who probably used to be Ben as the big green guy cause otherwise that means a whole lot of other countries were going to get some presents from Y/n as thanks for all the bombing they'd done.

Things get even worse for the other nations once Y/n realizes that these people are the ones who quite literally made the thing in the first place as they had made the trash and then instead of trying to clean it up in an eco friendly sort of way they instead dropped bombs on it with something untested that was supposed to eat away at everything the island was made of.

Y/n: "(Stumbles as he tries to reach Kevin) LETS GET OUT OF HERE!"

Kevin: "WHY!"


Kevin: "(Looks around) GOOD POINT!"

Kevin then grabs one of the trash monsters and flings them out of his way as the two slowly make their way towards Gwen who could hopefully get them all out of there as Ben and Gwen continued fighting the giant land of garbage that was transforming into a giant version of its garbage men.

Gwen manages to grab ahold of Kevin and begins to fly away with him on a separate magic platform as she then starts reaching out towards Y/n but just barely misses him as the garbage men collect him and drag him down below with the rest of them as the giant garbage monster finally stands tall and proud.

When Y/n opens his eyes he's inside the core of the creature as Y/n Starts recalling not so fond memories of the first time his powers activated along with the first time he and Ben had truly met Vilgax for the first time.

Y/n: "Listen I'm not into whatever this is and even if I was I didn't think a living mass of garbage could even get interested in that."

Saying that Y/n then began his great escape attempt which was to wiggle around as fast as he could to loosen the bonds and then grow his hand as big as it could get and break the thing which didn't seem to work even when he was wiggling as the things seemed to get tighter.

Next Y/n tried extreme temperatures which seemed to honestly tickle the thing let alone anything useful, and after what felt like an hour of thinking up different ways Y/n finally decided to say screw it and turned into Goop as he slithered his own way out of the thing just as the giant trash monster was getting smacked around by Way-Big.

This however was not something Y/n was expecting as the fight seemed to have lead closer to the city and his little escape attempt had caused him to start falling straight at the ground at an angel that no matter what happened he'd be lucky to survive.

Thankfully Sibella could sense that Y/n was near her and grabbed him just before he fell saving his neck and possibly the rest of his body from breaking like a pair of shabby armor or his twin siblings fighting over a wish bone at thanksgiving.

However his savior would require payment at a later date and from the look in her eyes Y/n could tell that it was going to be a long and painful journey before she let this debt go to the point he wonders if breaking would have been a better option.

Once the garbage land monster man thing had been safely taken out by Ben, Y/n made sure to pocket some bits and pieces of the thing so he could have just enough to make sure that certain people learned from their mistakes once everything got calm again as Ben became the hero to everyone once again while Y/n and the rest were in the back like chopped liver.

This time however none of them seemed to mind as they all wanted to take a bath desperately along with call it in for a night as the bombing were a pain on everyone and just everything about this little quest of their was nothing but a pain that they would all milk for as long as they could to get Ben to agree or do stuff for them.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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