Con of Rath

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Ben and the gang are going on a little trip in their favorite rocket ship to help deliver some alien ministers little Einstein wannabe or whatever the heck the marshmallow looking child is supposed to while all Y/n can think about is if their race has any bone structure as the touch and smell he got from the parents reminded him a lot about marshmallows.

And the reason that Y/n is going along with the ride in delivering their little mallow baby is because for one Ben is now a FREAKING SABERTOOTH alien who seemed to have taken even more levels of rage than whenever Y/n steals some chili cheese fries from her.

As if that weren't bad enough though things just got a whole lot worse as now Y/n has the DNA of this creature that like's to call themselves Rath with does not help him in anyway because of the fact that he now has a passive rage that burns everlasting forever more.

Like what the heck is this species and why are they so angry? because dame near every little thing that he does or comes into contact with makes him want to punch a hole through them and pound them till they turn into a pile of mush and while that doesn't seem to be the case with Rath that is what's going in with Y/n.

The man has never once been filled with so much rage even when he was just a boy with Y/n wondering just how in the heck Ben got it and more importantly how the heck do these aliens live their lives when he constantly has to fight the urge to beat people with all his might till he either gets bored or until he can't hit them no more.

Anyway inside the alien pod-racer as everyone is flying through space they gang decides to hit an intergalactic dinner as both Rath and Y/n seemed to be starving and either by proxy or because of this creatures DNA but Y/n powers start to misfire a lot faster and a lot more frequent than they should have been.

With a very bushy but small tail appearing wearing a tail would go if he had one while also seeming to have grown in size quite a bit as he was now taller than Kevin which shouldn't have been the case since he was about the same size giver or take a couple of centimeters.

Along with all of that his nails seemed to be a bit longer than his usual length witch may sound totally random but for a man like him who even though likes to do everything in the moment and have everything e a new adventure in some way or another when it comes to his personal life as in relationships or his looks the man has been rocking the same thing and style since they were ten.

Once they all get inside the place Rath and Y/n start eating pretty much anything that was placed in front of them with little to no complaining or care about what either of the two eat as they stuff their faces full of honestly who the heck knows made of probably best not think about it alien food until the group meets a pair of hillbilly looking and talking aliens that they all seemed to know.

Then out of nowhere a fight starts to break out with Rath and Y/n not seeming to notice as they were having a speed eating contest with each other to see who could eat the most food without either getting sick or begin questioning what the heck they were eating.

But all good things must come to an end once some poor schmuck threw their plate of food at Rath with Y/n laughing right until the point the same alien did the same thing to him as well and looking back at the blue monkey looking alien as the two rage monsters start walking over only to get immediately decked in the face as blaster fire starts going off.

The man punched Rath which caused Rath to pick them up and body slam them to the ground as what could be considered alien biker music starts blasting as things start getting blasted, and plastered as a giant battle between honestly quite too many people and aliens take place.

With a giant bar fight now taking place Y/n begins turning more into a ferocious beast as he actually has a tail now and has grown fangs as well as tougher arms with hair seeming to grow out more than what was already there seeming to be more fur like than anything else.

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