The Krakken.5

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After sleeping for what felt like an eternity you awaken with the rustbucket moving to its next destination while seeing that Ben and Gwen are bickering but this time you can hear a little bit of sadness in their voices to which they immediately change when they realize that you have just woken up wondering what's wrong and what happened you ask them what's up.

Gwen/Ben: "You have been asleep for a whole week we thought something had happened to you and when we went to check up on you there was barely if any response at all it was like you were dying or something we did not know if you were going to wake up or not."

After realizing what that had meant and what that would have caused to them you said you were sorry and gave each of them a sheet of paper that said, "you would do whatever they wanted for five times." To which they happily accepted your present of reconciliation and to your surprise Gwen had used it first so that you would spend the rest of the entire day doing whatever she wanted to do with you.

And as a man of your word, you had graciously accepted her command and diffidently not because you would like to spend an entire day with her and get to know more about her as well there were no such implications on your part at all.

Anyway after Gwen have you her command she had made you watch an entire series of things that you honestly could not care about no matter how much you may have tried because it was some stuff she wanted to review and learn more about to help her get into a better school and make her GPA look a lot greater than it already did but the only thing that you continue on with this bore fest was 1) being with Gwen the girl you thought was the most amazing girl you ever met and 2) Ben constantly trying to make you laugh by making funny faces at you.

After what felt like to long of watching all of that the rustbucket had stopped at a nearby gas station so that it could, and everyone could fuel up for the long ride to where everyone was heading to next and while everyone was enjoying themselves Ben and Gwen were ecstatic to be able to actually eat real food and not have to spend too much time together than they already had to.

Meanwhile you are just doing some light training that would make saitama proud with the thought of how were you going to be able to help out your friends when all you can do is master level mixed martial arts, and your high level IQ but as you were training you could swear that the mark on your arm had grown smaller than it was last time and that it now had a faint glow to it.

Well, whatever the reason may be you would not be able to find out if you were seeing things or not because you do not think it would be best if people found out about your mark and you especially don't want people to find out where you got it from.

After your training you could swear you heard faint music in the wind, but you decided to just ignore it you decide to look at your PDA and review what you had already knew and learned from and you tried to come up with new ways of fighting with them by look at what their unique properties where and trying to find an earth level equivalent to it.

After a long time of researching you found some things that could help Ben out with his next fights but you were also wondering what else they could if Ben could go full time hero and use different forms to create strong combos with that thought in mind you also began to figure out combo moves that you think would give Ben a lot of help if he were to listen to your advice and was also somehow able to get master control of his Omnitrix but those thoughts were for another day hopefully one not too far off in the future.

After what you thought were a few moments of you researching ways to help Ben, you found it had been a few hours as the gang was just starting to get back into the rustbucket.

Y/n: "What took you guys so long I was beginning to worry" as you then look and saw the time was a lot longer than you had thought it was but you weren't going to tell them that.

Gwen: "Well we would have finished sooner if dweeb for brains here had not tried to ransack the area trying to find a lucky coin as he called it." After she said that she flipped to coin over to you and you saw.

And as you wondered were he had gotten suck a coin you then heard a stranger calling out to everyone inside the van if she could get what she lost back and as you went outside you saw the a cute looking girl that looked like she was both scared an...

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And as you wondered were he had gotten suck a coin you then heard a stranger calling out to everyone inside the van if she could get what she lost back and as you went outside you saw the a cute looking girl that looked like she was both scared and worried.

And as you wondered were he had gotten suck a coin you then heard a stranger calling out to everyone inside the van if she could get what she lost back and as you went outside you saw the a cute looking girl that looked like she was both scared an...

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(Minus all the obviously magical stuff.)

You then handed her the coin much to the shock and horror of your best friend and as you saw how happy she was to get it back you could not help but to give what you considered the cute creature a head pat which after doing so you could swear you felt bloodlust coming from Gwen.

After the strange girl regains her composer she lets you all know that she is called charmcaster and that she thanks you for the help while not so subtly blushing at you because you have not once put your shirt back on after training and after giving her you greeting you all left the smiling but cute girl as you then had to suffer thew Gwen with her ranting about things that you could not help but smile thinking that made her jealous and that was the last thought you had for the day before you angered her enough to knock you out.

And that is all my people hope you all had a fun time reading this and yes charmcaster is also a part of the harem and hope you all liked how I introduced her and a pissed off jealous Gwen so until next time have a good one stay safe and peace.

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