The Room

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Thanks to Cash and J.T. Ben, Gwen, and Kevin thought it might have been a bad idea to horde a lot of power and somewhat dangerous parts inside Kevin's trunk and since Y/n has more space than he knows to deal with he agrees to be their alien scrap yard.

Which meant that for the past few weeks anytime they got new tech that they had no idea what to do with and forced Kevin to hand it over the spare room was going from spacious but empty to being lucky to find the way out after you walked for a bit in there.

Sibella: "(Pouts while sitting down dressed like a cleaner) Why do we have to do this?"

Y/n: "(Also dressed like a cleaner) Because we live here."

Sibella: "But we didn't make this mess (waves arms around)!"

Y/n: "Yes but this will help everyone including you (taps wrist)."

Sibella: "(Pouts adorably) I still don't want to.... (quietly and softly) but I guess if it can't be helped I'll do it."

After realizing for the most part that their outfits were stupid thanks to Sibella's sneeze they both got changed into better/ more comfortable clothes to help them sort and clean the place up a bit while also trying to make it look a little more storage like.

One small step for whatever Y/n is and a giant leap for at least sanities kind and if there was not a something in there that changed the room just to mess with any poor soul that came in then this room was being haunted by Y/n or something because they second they walked in and closed the door it was like the door had vanished into thin air.

Sibella: "Okay where'd the door just go?"

Y/n: "Don't know somewhat care but once we finish well either find it or bust our way out."

Sibella: "(laughs) I like pointless destruction."

Sibella brings out a stereo and presses play as all her and Y/n's favorite songs start playing as they look around the area and try to figure out just how messed up the space inside this room just might have become since it seemed to pulled a Tardis.

Y/n: "(Looks at notebook of floor map) Okay so were at the door way and (looks around) it seems like we were moved allllllllllll the way here (points at the middle) so we either have no sense of direction after only taking two steps or this room has turned into another dimension."

Sibella: "(Confused as she spins around) I.... see.... no.... way.... out."

Y/n: "(Closes notebook and scratches his head) Yep It looks like were are much lost in our own house (helps Sibella up) but the sooner we clean this up the sooner (less confident with each word) we can maybe find a way out of here."

Sibella mopes for a bi before eventually helping Y/n clean the place up with the first thing they need to do would be which they do by them either being a weapon or not with Y/n getting the not dangerous ones while Sibella gets the ones that can collectively blast half of Manhattan back to the stone age.

And as dangerous as that one hundred precent is at the moment the only thing there she can hit besides herself is either all the other tech or Y/n and neither are going to ever happen for one is stupidity while the other not even the destruction of the universe could make her do it.

While sorting around something both Y/n and Sibella see the other messing around with some parts in Y/n's case he was caught with a lot of weapons while talking like he was planning on making something while in Sibella's case since the author can't get into detail of what she was saying or planning he'll just leave it at her looking more primal than anything while swearing some names the sound somewhat feminine.

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