Victor: The Spoils

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There's no real easy way to state that no one was looking forward to going to Zarkovia as the place wasn't exactly what anyone would called a tourist attraction as it was almost always in some form of war between the high class families and the normal low class populace.

But the group had to go as apparently their was an alien over there that would worsen the war along with quite possibly making a mess of the rest of the world if what they were told was to be believed.

Y/n: "I swear if we get there and it's something like a jelly alien or a living block monster I'm going to loose my mind!"

Ben: "(Groans) I know were missing out on Sumo Slammers Smack Down Extravaganza! Especially when their giving away free limited edition Sumo Slammer cards to the first fifty people who win their games."

Kevin: "I swear you are way to obsessed with those things... and also don't you already have those new cards?"

Ben: "Of course I have them. I mean what sort of fan would I be if I didn't get my hands on them the second I could."

Y/n: "Certainly helps when one of the creators is a fan of some of their aliens."

No one said anything after that as Kevin continued flying the Rust Bucket MKIII as it would have been too much of a pain to drive all the way over there and back home once they finished, which of course wasn't easy because they were told to answer some flying code before getting shot at only ten seconds later as Kevin just reached the comm speaker thing.

Whether or not that was a good thing is left to be decide as while Kevin obviously hated it Y/n was having the time of his life as this was the first time in quite a while that he truly felt like he was flying with all the good and bad that came from it.

Eventually Kevin couldn't dodge the laser blasts or the anti-air missile barrage that seemed to be everywhere from just how many of them were appearing all of the place along with the soldiers that were shooting at them down below.

The crash landing was more pleasant than it otherwise should have been thanks to Ben trying her best to help land this bad boy as Y/n jumped out of the ship and pushed it back the best he could before it crashed into anything important around here.

Kevin: "(Stumbles out of the ship) Since when did you get your powers back? And I swear if they were before you forced me to get my own car out of a ditch from you driving (absorbs metal from his car) I will turn evil again!"

Y/n: "Just found out yesterday that I had at least super strength as I destroyed my little sisters favorite action figure."

Gwen: "Wasn't it one of those pull gooey toys the ones that can bend in every direction to your hearts desire?"

Y/n: "Yea... I turned something impossible to break and made it into literal puddy in my fingers when I gave it a little squeeze, since I was curious as to why she liked it so much."

Things got very quite as a bunch of cybermen soldiers appeared all around and had their laser guns pointed at them before some prince guy came in and told them to lower their weapons as he was the one who started this entire thing in the first place.

Which obviously meant he was up to nothing good because what sort of ruler in a war torn country with forced soldier loyalty would be some kind of good guy especially the way he talked about his own father the current king of said country.

Once they made their way inside the castle things honestly didn't get any better for Y/n at least as the soldiers were just standing there weapons drawn like npc guards who would start shooting at anything that wasn't allowed and then would return like nothing happened. Add that with the fact that while Y/n does understand that royalty should be better off than others as more of symbol than anything, it still filled him with rage when he saw all the great works of art and other priceless things when just outside he could see tents for the soldier bots and beyond that had shacks straight out of medieval times!

It also didn't help that the man's father seemed to be a genuinely good guy who could very much pass on at any point, like Y/n swears that at some point he heard something crack and then something going thud coming from his direction.

Deciding that it was probably best to ignore that Y/n and everyone else continued on their way to the Prince Gyula's private research area that looked straight out of an old horror film with it even coming with the creepy servant that pops up out of nowhere.

With a great big reveal, Prince Gyula throws over the piece of cloth that was hiding the body of Victor the Frankenstein alien! Thankfully or unthankfully the monster man seemed for the most part dormant with Prince Gyula himself stating that his brain had died from the crash but his body was in the best condition all things considered. 

Gyula: "My Father was once a man that could lead his people to do a great many things (holds up picture of a much younger King Xarion) but that is the past now and the man struggles to even keep the citizen's at peace!"

The Igor chick approaches her master, Prince Gyula and starts patting his back as a way of helping him as she grabs the photo and places it back down on the table only for Gyula to throw it in the trash like all the others.

The Prince then leaves everyone to do as they please, most likely to rule the country in his fathers stead as the old man slowly makes his way towards the lab with slow, loud and dominating steps before reaching to the top and smiling at everyone before making his way towards Victors body.

A little weird but whatever it's not like anything bad could happen from letting an ancient old man near a prime of youth like body is there?

Before the group could say or do anything a bunch of guards appear and take them all away as the Old king starts flipping some switches and laughing like a mad man which was the point where Y/n and everyone else realize that he was the crazy doctor and not his son.

Ben: "This is the last time we go to a war torn nation!"

Kevin: "Probably not."

The four of them are then thrown into a cell as a loud explosion is heard off in the distance with Ben turning into Big Chill then going Ultimate Big Chill as she gets out of the cell as Kevin just smashes the thing open before hitching a ride with Gwen leaving Y/n all alone.

Y/n: "(Runs the best he could) Man I swear if their getting to fight some big monster man and they leave me to clean everything up for the fifth time in a row I'm going to loose it!"

Y/n then began running through the castle as the battle raged on with the castle destroying itself around him as everything starts giving way until eventually enough destruction happens to where a massive and I mean massive treasure horde appears.

Of course Y/n tried his best to steal everything that was there, and if you don't think he did than you're crazy but sadly he did leave a lot of it behind as they were the local currency and since Y/n had no idea what the exchange rate was on those things he acquired all the jewels, and jewelry that he could since it was either that or paintings and he couldn't really care all of them at once.

He did take quite a few paintings that he really liked over and some that he thought would sell well but pretty much left the rest mostly intact as he ran as fast as he could out of the building so as to not get crushed along with not wanting to loose his score.

When Y/n finally got to the Rust Bucket MKIII he was meet with everyone waiting for him as Ben was getting read to leave all while Y/n was carrying tow large sacks and two briefcases full of his stolen goods as he kept walking into the ship.

Y/n: "What (his bags jingle as he moves)?"

No one says anything as they all start flying off back home as Kevin smiles at Y/n like a proud father as Y/n groans in frustration for not only missing the fight but also because he just found out that most of the jewels he stole were fake along with the paintings.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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