Ghost Towen

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As phantom menaces that look like ghosts of old slowly and eerily approach the group along with an unwanted and unlikely yet desperate ally cowering in his own right behind them while Y/n tries his best to fight them off with the power of fire since he can't quite use the power of light just yet or maybe ever to fight the off the creatures of shadows.

Y/n: "(Creates a wall of fire around the group) I told you that this was a bad idea!"

Ben: "(Messing with her watch trying to get it to work) Yea well... shut up!"

Gwen: "Can you two stop fighting for one second (grunts as one of the ghost went through her mana shield)!"

As the gang along with one of their main bad guys were about to get completely destroyed by the phantom menace lets go back a few hours before all of these with Ben calling Y/n out of the blue in the middle of the night just as Y/n was about to head to dream land.

Y/n: "(Picks up the phone as he sits on desk chair with nothing but his pajama pants and the towel he was using to dry his hair) Yea what's up it's like midnight?"

Ben: "(Static) Come... home.... help.... need..."

And just like that the phone hung up more or less since all Y/n could hear before he hung up himself was nothing but static coming from the phone making him wonder just what the heck was going on at Ben's place and more importantly why she called him late into the night.

Y/n then had to juggle between did he want to take his time and allow his body to rest so as to not risk any DNA spasms or should he just book it since their might be a very real threat that Ben can't win against or is at a sever disadvantage.

Y/n then just immediately shakes his head at the thought of Ben needing help and grabs a skateboard as he rides on over to Ben's house since its not that far if you know the layout of the town as well as pretty much any officer of the law.

Eventually Y/n makes it to Ben's house and see's a note on the front door telling him to head to the Rust Bucket MK III and that's just what he did but changed the gears of the skateboard into a hoverboard cause otherwise it would have taken too long and been very annoying having to skate all the way to the town hanger bay.

Making his way inside the hanger bay only then does Y/n realize why their might have been secrecy because once he saw the great big tentacle faced beast he immediately didn't care about holding back as he got ready to smash the horrid creature with a humungous clap!

Ben: "(Jumps in the way as Humungousaur himself) Wait, Wait, Wait, Stop!!!"

Y/n just barley manages to drift away from clapping his best friend by making both his legs the same as his hands causing his weight to change drastically were he instead manages to do a superhero landing in front of freaking Vilgax! and everyone else.

Y/n: "(Sighs as he moves his hand across his face greatly annoyed) For the love of all that is good in the universe please explain to me why I shouldn't be punching him (points at Ben) and then you right now!"

Vilgax: "Because I need your help."

The big green tentacle faced angry old man then begins talking about one of his stupid plans to conquer the universe and all that with him accidentally awakening Ghostfreak or Zs'Skayr as he liked to be called and just hearing that Y/n hears a faint yelling like a whisper in the wind calling out for something after hearing that name.

Quite possibly it being his stomach since Y/n just ate an ultra burrito deluxe combo meal all by himself along with Ben doing the same as they wanted to know who could eat the meal faster and the thing about the burritos was the fact they were as big as  Humungousaur knuckles.

Anyway back to the completely useless sob story that Vilgax was trying to feed everyone where the deal he made with Zs'Skayr was for help in being able to take Ben down and all the knowledge he had about the Omnitrix, surprise surprise.

And another surprise is Zs'Skayr betraying/ double crossing Vilgax which honestly seems like a wonderful pair from the amount of times the two have done the exact same thing with the only thing stopping them from being the biggest power couple is the fact that their both horrible people and different alien species.

Back to the story once gain Zs'Skayr after double crossing Viglax then went on to take over Mr. Tentacle face's home planet and turn everyone there into ghost like minions only being able to follow the orders of Zs'skayr as he tries to take over the universe while also destroying all sources of light that he could being his one main weakness and all.

Anyway long story short the group tried their best and eventually got busted causing all the ghost like creatures to came at all of them while Zs'Skayr tries his best to once again posses Ben so they could be one again allowing Zs'Skayr to become whole and not get completely wrecked by sunlight like the emo goth vampiric wannabe that he is.

Y/n: "I swear in the name of Sibella that if we all turn into ghost I'm going to haunt you even more beyond the grave!"

Ben: "Well good luck with that!"

She says as her Omntrix finally starts working allowing her to turn into one of her aliens but Y/n doesn't know which as he's too distracted by the onslaught of ghost freaks all around him that want to either make him go ghost, or other sick purposes to which he ain't all too pleased to be apart.

Having no real idea what really happened to the rest of the group since when he finally got a moment of rest he saw that the others were either taken away or he managed to get himself lost along the way somehow but either way.... Y/n wasn't exactly thrilled since he's watched enough horror movies to know that its only a matter of time before he gets destroyed especially since the others have home field advantage compared to him at least.

The only saving grace was the fact that somehow eventually everyone went back to looking like Vilgax which was a bit disturbing but also kind of nice since it meant that for the moment at least that their would be peace and that he could finally go home.

Because throughout this entire chaotic mess Y/n was still wearing nothing more than his pajama pants and nothing else and growing a pair of wings Y/n started flying up in the sky above almost getting hit by the Rust Bucket MK III but thankfully managed to phase through it in time as the group just booked it back home.

While it was nice for at least everyone else helping Vilgax's people Y/n honestly couldn't really care less not because he has bias or racist towards them or anything but more along the lines of the fact that he had no reason to help Vilgax in any way unless order to do so by someone like Ben or the Plumbers.

Cause like Y/n ain't no real hero he's just a man who tries his best to help others but you can forget it if you try to make him feel like he has to do something or that if he does its for the greater or good or whatever since he's honestly just trying to make things safer for both himself and those he cares about anything else is a Ben and Plumbers problem.

Finally being able to climb back into his bed and rest for the night after yet another shower only for the alarm to go off just as he managed to place booth feet under his blanket causing Y/n to put a pillow over his head as he screams a little before getting up and trying his best to get ready for the day whilst swearing at Vilgax and a little at Ben too.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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