Finale Battle

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Y/n: "Sibella! (Looks around the house) Were are you! Isn't about time you showed up again! You better not be hiding to give me another surprise attack like last time! Sibella! (Opens his door) Hey you're not-"

A couple weeks later Y/n is resting at home with Sibella relaxing inside her little bed hideaway (which was literally just a cat tower made to suit a bat) as Y/n seemed pretty focused on his computer... more so than usual but Sibella didn't really seem to notice all that much as like everything involving her owner she liked watching him do his thing.

Hearing a nock on the door Y/n goes on to investigate and once he realizes who's at the front door he tells Sibella that he as going to be gone for a bit as he just left leaving her alone for a bit which was honestly nothing knew but the fact he sounded so dull and monotone when he said it made Sibella more than a little suspicious.

Slowly opening the door Sibella looks around outside only to see no one was there? Sibella even went downstairs to look at the parking garage of their building only to see that their wasn't anything their and that Y/n hadn't come there which is weird since he always came there whenever he left the house and wanted to take a drive on his bike.

Sibella: "There's no way he'd go out for a walk this late without a reason and he's not in the best condition to fly either (rubs her chin) ARG! If only I were a smarter mammal!"

Sibella then turns into a bat and uses her echo location to try and look for him since the last time she did so in her monster form and human form.... lets just say that thankfully no one was really hurt and that the plumbers had her on record already and leave it at that.

But no matter where nor how hard she looked for him Sibella just couldn't find Y/n and to make matters even worse than that was the fact that he just seemed to vanish off the face of the earth as no one had been able to spot him after a week of looking to the point where Sibella reluctantly let others inside her and Y/n's house.

Gwen: "You said he was on his computer more than usual right?"

Sibella: "Yea... (drools a bit) but he just looked so ravishingly with how dedicated he looked."

Ben: "(Ignores Sibella's remark) Do you know the password?"

Sibella: "I did but after gaming for a few months and a little gamer rage incident I had Y/n changed the password and wouldn't tell me (tries to act cute as everyone wonders just what she could have done for Y/n! of all people to discipline her)."

Somewhat ignoring Sibella the gang looks around the room to see if their was anything they could find that would help them figure out the password since Ben going upgrade on it just resulted in her getting fried and spat out like week old chewing gum.

Kevin: "I seriously don't even know why any of you thought that'd work?"

Ben: "(Starts typing in random passwords) At least one of these got to be right! So says I Ben the best friend since we were little!"

With all that confidence and bravado Ben had almost all of it came down to nothing as she laid on Y/ns bed because none of her guesses all 10,000 of them and such were wrong or had been changed at some point in time causing Ben to feel down quite a bit as Sibella looked down at her very smugly.

Eventually Gwen has an idea on how to find him but it was getting really late and because of all the sneaking around that the group had been doing for so long their and because of Ben getting caught and everything both of them had a curfew that could only be broken if they were to tell them ahead of time about what they were going to do.

And since they didn't really know what they were planning to do than they had to go home and wait for tomorrow which Sibella wasn't a real big fan of but what could she do when her own tracking abilities weren't working and she now had to rely on others.

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