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What does it mean when a persons fate is no longer in their control with them being unable to do whatever they want whenever they want as their fates are controlled by a force that they have yet to understand how it fully works or how to properly control them.

Like how with Y/n the along with Umbra two sides of the now mysterious coin where they have the powers of Kevin when they were all still children where he didn't have control either but was honestly a lot worse off than Y/n and Umbra as unlike them Kevin had turned absolutely crazy.

While you could also make the argument that Y/n and Umbra were worse off as they had little to no control of their bodies unless they intake a chemical cocktail every day, every twelve hours so that they can at least be more normal than they otherwise were.

And things didn't exactly help at all when Y/n suddenly transported to some green lake nature filled world where everything seemed to be what could be called paradise... at least it would have been if it hadn't been for the giant alien mosquitoes that seemed to have target lock on him.

Y/n: "(Stumbles around as he pukes a little bit on the floor) Ugh... (looks around) Now where the heck have I been sent to now?"

Although things were at least better here than back home since he was stuck in a rock and hard place event between Sibella and Julie and how the two wanted to spend time with him but all by themselves and it didn't exactly help that Y/n didn't really seem to care about being there for the most part but he stuck through with it since he cared more about them than himself.

Buuuttt... the guy was still human as the second he noticed that he was no longer sitting there watching some cartoon about bats, robots, and ninjas, and like yea that does sound cool and all but honestly Y/n had enough sci-fi secrecy just living his life to the point where he honestly doesn't really enjoy the genre anymore and mainly uses them to fall asleep or laugh at like their comedies no matter what the show or movies is about.

Like the last movie he rented was some action drama thing with robots that could turn into cars trying to hide who they were among the humans while also trying their best to fight their enemies without getting found out, but like no matter how long he watches he either laughs at it to the point where when he saw it live everyone around him everyone thought he was completely crazy.

And because of his life everything similar to it makes him honestly bored or just straight up funny to him because of how absurd it all looked to him that it honestly either put him to sleep or cause to laugh with everything he sees with him now loving things like sit coms and other such things that don't really matter and make him laugh at almost everything about them.

Honestly speaking Y/n preferred watching them anyway as it was the only type of show he found where his giant brain's didn't fight and ruin for him while watching as they try and figure out whatever secrets or plots that should only be found out later.

Everything (besides the giant alien mosquitoes of course) was very nice and a much needed break from the hustle and bustle of living in an area constantly in danger of aliens blowing the place up, or having to make sure that he himself is not the alien that's going to do it.

Things eventually got a whole lot worse for him however once he saw and realized that Ben and the gang were there as well which had to mean only one thing and that their was trouble brewing since everything about the way this happened seemed very suspicious especially when Ben wasn't wearing the Omnitrix somehow.

Y/ns first thought was to pretend like he wasn't there and after thinking that he slapped himself across the face coming back to reality as he went on over to Ben, Gwen, and Kevin but before he could do so the giant alien mosquitoes had come back and they were looking for some DNA!

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