The Change

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Ever since his trip to the void Y/n has been very different compared to how he was both before and after his body started changing for whatever reason it did making it harder for him to havy any sort of control over certain parts for a good long while making him very scared and nervous about how and when he might attack his loved ones in case he ever lost control and also not knowing what was happening to him.

For instance whenever he would meet his old school bullies he would bully them instead forcing them to give them everything they had on hand and once they did that either immediately or through "persuasion" he would then give the stuff away to any and everyone who may have been bullied by them as well as doing that to his new schools bullies as well.

But lately he doesn't even try anything with or towards them unless they either provoke him or he sees someone crying about what the bullies had done to them but other than that he just didn't seem to really care anymore which made the bully problem become almost non existent since they were too busy worrying about what Y/n was going to do to them.

Making it a lot harder for them to bullie others as they had no idea of knowing when he may or may not strike at them or what he was going to do to them once he had enough of them causing quite a few bullies and other bad guys that knew Y/n to have mental breakdowns.

The main problem with the way he was now acting was the fact that almost everything that everyone knew loved or hated about him was gone as well as him having a blank look on his face most of the time as he seemed to be going auto pilot around the place only showing any sort of life when it came to eating, learning, spending time with his friends, family, and lovers.

Other than that it seemed like the lights were on but no one was home which was worrying everyone who knew him and causing Sibella to have a mental breakdown of her own as Y/n didn't seem to be doing anything at all once he got home and just began sleeping ignoring everything else around him including his own eating habits most of the time.

It got to the point to where Ben asked Azmuth for advice on what was happening to Y/n as he created the Omnitrix and was one of if not the most brilliant man in the entire universe only probably lagging behind or again standing side by side to Professor Paradox who didn't really count as he's had eternity to learn everything.

Azmuth: "In all my years I have no idea what's wrong with your friend here."

Ben: "What? But you can do anything! (shows Omnitrix) You made this so and told Y/n how he became like this because of the Omntrix so how come you can't fix him!"

Azmuth: "Because what happened to your friend was a very slight probability where in your earth terms would be like winning the lottery a hundred times back to back. (Walks around on top of Y/n) There's just nothing that I or anyone really can do as this is natures course and since he's the very first of his kind then there's nothing to go off of on how long this might take for him to recover or if he'll stay like this for the remainder of his days is uncertain to say the least."

Gwen: "(Sad face) So it's hopeless."

Kevin: "What about Paradox? Couldn't he do something."

Paradox: "(Appearing like an interdimensional cool aid man) I'm afraid not young man."

Everyone but Ben and Azmuth jump a little at the sudden appearance of Professor Paradox who calmly walks over towards Y/n and takes a little seat on his night stand next to his bed.

Professor Paradox: "I may know the answer on his future and what shall happen to him as well as what's currently happening (points to Y/ns head) inside his very own body but if I were to do that it would spoil the ending as well as might change the future for him and everyone around."

After saying all that Professor Paradox walks out the room to where ever else he wanted to be while making a quick stop at Galvan Prime to drop off Azmuth while everyone else that was still there began treating Y/n like he was in a coma because he pretty much was from the way he acted like he was on auto pilot most of the time.

-Meanwhile inside Y/n's brain-

A dark figure standing side by side with a bright figure walk through the area with a water like floor with cracks everywhere looking like giant spider webs with the pieces not connecting together as their all scrambled causing his memories to be a mess with the reason he's in auto pilot being that he has no idea what or who he is without those memories as the memories of the DNA within him are also mixed into the web making it harder to find the right pieces that need to be fixed.

Black: "(Forces one of the pieces to come near him and Bright) *Sounds like thug* This one fits where?"

Bright: "(Waves hand over the piece showing a fiery planet with a being of fire in the center)  *Sounds like a very smart man* This is an aliens memory fragment and I think the final piece of it as well."

Four other pieces then emerge out of nowhere as the Bright and Black beings fuse all of them back together again before placing it into the watery void below them as they continue on their journey finding pieces that they can grab and putting them all back together again and once they find all the pieces for real memories of Y/n himself they send it off adrift that seems to fix some cracks around them but not enough to fix it entirely.

But as the more cracks the fix the bigger the pair seem to get or the cracks may be getting smaller either way its for the best as it means that Y/n is getting closer and closer to being himself again at least hopefully because their is no real way of knowing what will happen once the two finish as he's the first of his kin as well as the first to go through the process.

And eventually everything is finally put back into place as Black and Bright merge into one again revealing Y/n with marks all over his body but not as much as his look alike that came before and as that Y/n closes his eyes the one back in the real world opens them back up again not seeing anyone near him but could hear noise coming from the distance.

Walking outside he sees that Sibella is talking to Kevin and Ben about a final battle and as he walks out of his room stumbling a bit he can see the surprise in their eyes as well as the sparkle within Sibellas.

Y/n: "I don't know what's happening but I do know that I'm going with you."

Ben: "But-"

Y/n: "It doesn't matter what your about to say I'm going and there's nothing you can say or do that will change that."

Y/n then starts stumbling out the room as Sibella helps him out and down his apartment all the way into Kevin's car but before either he or Gwen could say anything to him Y/n fell asleep as soon as he got into the car with Sibella joining him in her favorite spot doing her best to protect him from any dangers that may appear.

Kevin: "So what do we do about sleeping beauty over there?"

Ben: "Y/n wants to come with us and I don't think anything's going to change that (looking through the rear view mirror shows that Ben has a smile on her face) as annoying as it might be."

Gwen: "So where do we head off to next?"

Ben: "We start assembling the team as well as making sure that nothing happens with the Highbreed in the meantime or Y/n."

Kevin: "Then lets get ready to make some calls."

Saying that Kevin puts the peddle to the metal as he starts driving off with a scene similar to back to the future only instead of a the cars plate comes a black goo like hand that stretch's all the way back towards the dark figure with the symbol in his eye.

???: "(Crazy sing sound sounding) Fooound you."

And as the screen starts to fade with the only thing being heard is the crazed laughter of the man with it freezing on Y/n who suddenly awakens shocked and in a cold sweat not knowing why other than that they were in front of the Highbreed camp with Kevin kicking him and Ben out of his car.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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