Where the Magic Happens

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Y/n along with Ben, Kevin, Gwen, and for some reason Julie? Were all going around the mystic world that Charmcaster had called home so that they could free the lands from its evil warlord which honestly sounds somewhat similar to what they've done before but hey its a giant galaxy with apparently endless dimensions inside them so things are bound to repeat.

Its honestly interesting to see just what the magical world looks like since for people without magic like everyone besides Gwen and Charmcaster this place looks amazing but also a large pain in the behind since depending on the wizard this place could turn into a giant ball of gum in a heart beat. 

Honestly what the heck was Y/n doing here in the first place? I mean sure they used to date and that might mean something but he was on a date with Julie when he got forced inside the portal by what appeared to be Ben's hands from the shiny watch he saw before falling down on the ground in front of everyone.

There's also the fact that with Ben here there wasn't really a need for two super attractive, smart..., heroic, and petty (to the point bordering on obsession sometimes sometimes) and like while Y/n was free to turn, morph, and shift his body anyway he desired so long as he had the DNA compared to Ben needed a quick breather after awhile. That didn't really account for much what with the fact that since Ben is limited to a few aliens and among those sometimes going Ultimate she's somewhat more powerful overall compared to Y/n who while able to creature new combos for everything has to understand and get used to them depending on the situation.

Meaning that overall he's pretty much just a posterboy for the group compared to everyone else who has actual hardened abilities that they may or may not rely on depending on the time and place while Y/n has to think of how to best use said abilities he does have depending on the situation. 

Well except for today! Since Today is the day that instead of being like his best friend Ben! Y/n was going to become more like his third best friend aka Gwen... wait no that's the wrong person no he's going to become like his second best friend Kevin!

Because while he has a tone and I do mean a tone of different aliens that he can fuse, morph, shift, or whatever else he likes he still hasn't done much with Kevin other than have him act as a stabilizer for his body as he fuses many different things together with his DNA somehow being the best at absorbing things.

There was also the fact that he was very interested to see how the absorption ability really worked along with if he could move the around to the point he could be the rainbow man as his body moves around like a barbershop sign with all the different maters he took as his own for a bit.

Honestly probably not the best time to do something like this what with Charmcaster and by extension Gwen being able to control his body should he absorb the wrong material and be forced to dance to their every whim more so than he already does at least.

But hey live and let live as they say... except those who probably said such things didn't have to worry that if they fall off the cliffside of a magic floating rock they may or may not die or become one with the solid ground they now call home as it rises to the top like an impromptu elevator.

Anyway it was overall a nice time seeing just what the home dimension of Charmcaster aka Hope looked like as it answered very few questions but still questions none the less about the life she had lived and how she was the person she became.

Mix that in with the creepy and also scary fact that all the girls around both Kevin and Y/n were talking to each other while also seeming to smile but their eyes weren't smiling at all as their seemed to be darkness coming from them with the worst of them all being Ben of all people!

Y/n: "Hey Kevin."

Kevin: "Yea?"

Y/n: "If I go missing tommorrow then Gwen did it, if I die on the freeway or some other form of machine like death Julie did it, and if I die in a fight or any other way then Ben did it."

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