Divided We Stand.5

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Gwen: "Aahh so nice to finally get a little peace and quite so I can finally catch up with my summer reading."

Grandpa Max: "Although I can't help feeling it's a little too quiet."

Everyone begins screaming as both you and Ben scare everyone away by making it seem like Ripjaws was eating you while walking around on the beach

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Everyone begins screaming as both you and Ben scare everyone away by making it seem like Ripjaws was eating you while walking around on the beach.

Ripjaws: "Hey. Where's everybody going surfs up dudes."

Y/n: "It's like they got scared of a joke or something."

You see everyone approach both of you looking really annoyed at what you both had done and to make matters worse even Sibella was avoiding you but that could also be because you were covered in water, and she hated getting wet.

Ben: "Come on, we were just having some fun."

Grandpa Max: "So were we."

Gwen: "Only somehow. We managed to have fun without frighting innocent people half to death."

Ben: "Yea well if I wanted to read books and build science projects, I'd have signed up for dumb summer school."

As Ben walks away you just stay there getting an even harsher nagging since you were supposed to be the responsible one of the you two like you weren't allowed to have fun with Ben just because it was stupid and immature.

After what felt like hours you were finally let go of you nag fest only to immediately get taken away by Charmcaster who wanted you all to herself for a bit and you knew she did because she used magic to stop anyone else from finding or getting close to either of you two.

Y/n: "Where are we going?"

Charmcaster: "Some place fun (said teasingly)."

You gulped after hearing what she said and after awhile she stopped and gently placed you down onto the sand and proceeded to drop her cloth's revealing her two-peace swimsuit and you could hear her chuckle as you blushed and tried not to look at her.

Walking away a bit awkwardly as one you don't know where you are and two it seems that Charmcaster had made it her mission to tease and make you blush red because of how much skin she was trying to show off in front of you and saying things that make your face go red even harder.

After awhile Charmcaster starts running after you as you try your best to run away from her and try to get back to the Rust Bucket and everyone else safely without harming Charmcaster in the process.

When you both get back to the part of the beach where everyone else was at and the second you got there you saw that Ben had unlocked a new alien that she started calling Ditto while they stood atop a giant seagull.

As both you and Charmcaster walk up to the beast it flies away while Ben embraces and shows off what Ditto could do and as Ben turned back to normal you could feel a bit of the energy go into you and before you could think or even ask about the new alien Charmcaster runs off with you once again.

Charmcaster: "You're not getting away from me that easily."

Much to your surprise and relief Charmcaster was wearing a red and black jacket that looked a bit like your shirt and she began dragging you along the boardwalk as you both start playing some fair games.

Charmcaster pays for you entrance ticket and for all the games you both start playing but after awhile you just had to ask.

Y/n: "How did you get all this money to play and where do you even keep it?"

Charmcaster: "(Smirk) So you wanna know. (Gets close to you before backing away) Well to be honest all I do is take it from the vendors and that's how we get free games."

You were about to say something but from what you had heard there rigged anyway and it's not like they'll care if you both play same games without technically playing so you say nothing about it and begin playing the games seriously with Charmcaster.

In the begging both of you were holding back on your abilities but after awhile you both got sick and tired of losing so the first one to let it rip was you during a ball toss game and when you finished you had broken both the bottles and the walls, and you were more than a little please as was Charmcaster when you gave her the giant teddy bear.

You don't know who started it because what happened next is honestly a blur for you as both you and Charmcaster started basically raiding the boardwalk for all the prizes it held while making brief breaks to talk, eat, and hide from boardwalk police.

The only thing you could vividly recall after that was when both you and Charmcaster where getting kicked out of the boardwalk and forced to deal with all the prizes both of you had won and now had no idea what to do with.

Y/n: "Want to give all but the ones we really want away."

Charmcaster: "(Shrugs) Sure why not."

Any kid who passed by either of you were then given any random toy they wanted that wasn't from your safe pile and you felt quite pleased with yourself every time you saw their happy faces and the annoyed faces of everyone at the boardwalk made it that much sweeter.

And after awhile you notice a little girl with pigtails wearing a lot of pink come up to both of you looking a little sad and you could tell they were holding back their tears.

Y/n: "Hey? Whats wrong."

???: "(Sniffs and cries) I was working hard to get that. (She then points to a green dog with one eye admist all the plushies that were in the safe pile.)"

Y/n: "Well (Grabs and gives it to her.) Here you go."

Charmcaster: "Hey!?"

Y/n: "(Gives her a glare) Feeling better."

The little girl nods her head and begins hugging the weird plushy before walking away with her parents and just as she was barley visible you could hear her shout something but you had no idea what it was so you and Charmcaster packed up everything else you had wanted to keep.

And rejoined everyone else to see them all flying in some way or another while bullying Ben to which both Charmcaster immediatly joined while you carried Ben like a princess as a joke but instead made everyone else jealous while Ben became bright red.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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