Hero Time

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Today is the day that Ben fights a middle aged man past his prime as he tries to prove to the world that he was still needed, validated, and above all still the the big man around Bellwood... well for the Tennyson house anyway as Ben and her dad were having a classic videogame battle 1v1 to see who would win and get take out of their choice.

The reason as to why Y/n and the twin's were even there in the first place had to do with the fact that both their parents wanted to be a lone for a bit at the house with the relators/ construction workers as they were making modifications to their house since they thought it was too small for all of them to live together especially when they needed to do something for work.

While this could have been a straight up lie to get them out of the house for a bit from the line up of cars that were driving in as Y/n left with his Siblings and Sibella in hand... he'd rather not think of it if they were there for any other reason than fixing and messing with the house.

Either way when they left their were a lot of people talking about something and none of them seemed to driving any cars that would be used by anyone who was ready to mess up and remake a house for hopefully the betterment of the owners.

-Sounds of explosions and crystals being formed from the T.V.-


Ben's Dad: "Not just yet young lady (mashes every button together without a car in the world as Ultimate Humungousaur launches every missile it had consecutively at Ben)!"

Ben just looked absolutely stunned and shocked at her father who for them most part just mashed the controller and prayed it would do something as he played it off all cool as he got the family a nice healthy mean as he was worried that both Ben and Y/n were eating too much junk-food.

And once Lunch time came around Ben just sat there all pouty because the limited time meal offer from snack shack that had Sumo Slammers in it if you bought one of their kids meals ended today and she was just one toy short of collecting all of them... Well that and she just generally doesn't like eating anything super healthy and would rather eat all her favorite things since she gets more than enough of a workout everyday as a hero.

Well that and... lets just say that hanging out sometimes meant they would train together in more than one way and leave it at that as Sibella and Gwen made it clearly known how much they didn't like them doing so. Not out of jealously (at least Y/n thinks so anyway) but more about the fact they Ben was the only person he was willing to train/ have a spar with compared to the rest of them.

Honestly however the one person in that little group that made Y/n scared more than anything else was Julie as she was the only one with a smile on her face, hands on her hips, and a demon behind her that seemed all to pleased as she got closer to Y/n.

Thankfully however some old guy with a classic villain stash and a bright, dark, and normal orange tech suit with a giant N in the center man appears challenging Ben to a fight to show off how better he is than her at being a hero or whatever.

Y/n lets out a sigh or relief that seemed to go unnoticed by almost everyone else except of course the one person that he would have loved to was of course Julie and Y/n has no idea if it was because of her DNA of upbringing but well... let's just say that Y/n would have rather faced Vilgax and Mutated Kevin fused together with all their worst parts being the most prominent than face her ever again... well except of course for a few things but most of the time no!

So after a few hours Y/n is eventually freed by Julie as he slowly marched his way towards the train lifting area that they were both just waiting at until enough people arrived to but on a show for them all with Y/n seeming to be the last person needed as they start while he tries to look at least presentable enough to cheer Ben on without embarrassing her or others.

And much to absolutely no one's surprise except of course for maybe Captain Nemesis the man himself who was apparently once one of Ben's hero's or something and as Ben's trying to be friendly whilst Captain Nemesis seemed he couldn't even bother Y/n wondered just when the heck she found out about the guy or what she saw in him?

Because last Y/n knew her hero's were the guy from Sumo Slammers and Kangaroo man (well up until she meet them in person at least) and every other time after that she would either be too busy with sports, games, or trying her best to be normal for a bit until she started it all up again.

But either way its honestly probably best that she no longer sees him as a hero primarily because of how much he acted like a grown child when he lost effortlessly might I add against Ben who honestly wasn't even trying because she had an entire alien that could toss the train like how trash throws trash on the highway.

It probably didn't help when the man tried to do a cheap shot at Ben with his little laser gauntlet thing when she wasn't looking and thankfully with Cromastone powers Y/n could make the guy feel how he wanted Ben to feel but hopefully a whole lot worse.

Somehow no one spotted what had just happened and seemed to have assumed that the man's tech suit had just malfunctioned or whatever and that's why his laser arm thing had seemed to explode greatly damaging his arm for a bit.

Later that very same night this pompous jerk tried to get Ben to agree to one final match that Y/n knew for a fact that he was 100% going to cheat since that's what he tried to do when Ben publicly whooped his behind after their competition had ended and sometimes during all the other matches.

So of course Y/n went in place of Ben and made sure that the man would never bother her again or even dare to wear his tech suit after their little "spout" of course it didn't their either since Y/n also took the suit with him back to his little crafting station so he could use it to for improvement in the necklaces but also Sibella's protype power suit.

How Y/n knew Ben was getting challenged I'll leave to you imagination but from the way the Captain Nemesis was acting and from the way the public now viewed him it was safe to say that whatever Y/n did was probably far worse than anything Ben could have ever hoped to imagine but also hopefully much more permanent since aliens fighting robots was sooo 2010.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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