Eye of the Beholder

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As Y/n spends his day off inside Julie's house as he wanted to spend time with her and defiantly not because she showed up to his house and basically forced him into hanging out with her today and he especially likes watching show's that he couldn't give a single care about so long as she's happy and enjoys herself.

Honestly what makes the entire events a huge pain however is the fact that while he is somewhat "cured" as Umbra liked to put it that wasn't really the case it was more along the lines of his body trying to find what it wanted to be as a stand by faze. As he could no longer shift, morph, or anything involving his powers except of course getting DNA as that was just something normal that he's been doing forever at this point in time.

With the worst of it being the fact that he would wake up with his bed on fire, covered in goo, covered in hair, diamonds all around, etc. Add that to the fact that at very random moments in time his body would just loose it and grow him a pair of wings or shift one body part to another like when he and his family were getting their pictures taken and in ever single one of them his skin color changed to that of different aliens.

Anyway that's just something he as to deal with now as the relaxing time soon ends with Ship seeming to loose his mind as he starts running away as Julie and Y/n run after him as they both call for Ben, Gwen, and Kevin to come help them try and catch this thing before it accidentally eats a toy robot and becomes a real one by mistake or something else like that!

The pair eventually find the little dog creature and as Y/n tries to grab it the creature turns into it's weaponized ship form and takes off to who knows where as Julie looks on in shock as Y/n was now inside the thing as it formed around him with the gang showing up just as Ship left earth's orbit.

Y/n: "(Walks around trying to find something to hold onto) Ship! I know you can hear me and I'd like to ask (falls on the floor and starts rolling around as Ship flies through space) can you please make a chair or something for me to sit on! And also tell me why the heck you just left."

Ship: "(Very deep and very evil sounding) SHIP... SHIP, SHIP!"

Y/n: "This is the first time I've ever wanted to really know what you were saying and now I can't understand a single thing (sighs as he sits down.) Well nothing I can do about it now except for go along the ride... I hope your either very fast or enjoy singing."

And so that's just what Y/n did he began singing random things from car trip songs to even just singing about the girls and what he likes about them before topping it all off with him just singing about whatever caught his eye that was different from anything else he had seen before.

Until eventually they landed on a desolate wasteland looking world with green Aztec looking green aliens are holding from what Y/n can remember the man who had created Ship in the first place along with many different statues all over the place with giant holes in the center.

Y/n: "Okay I've seen enough movies to know that everything's going to go downhill the moment one of those things start moving."

Ship rushes towards the Galvanicmecamorph and starts what Y/n can only consider licking his face as neither of them really have any tongues  to speak of as the green aliens start to berate Y/n about his callousness about their great statues or whatever as he's just waiting for everyone to save all of them as he really can't do anything against the stone statues or fly home if things get too bad.

Thankfully they all arrive only half an hour after Ship had first landed here and was ready to fight anyone that might have needed it only to then realize that this was basically a court case against these green aliens and the green alien that they have come to know at the very least.

The Green aliens want an orb thing that all the other stone statues seem to have except for one of course and they believe that their friend? had stolen said item and want it back to which he states that he hadn't stolen the thing and has no idea where the heck it went to as he gets zapped for lying.

Things go from bad to worse however as the gang tries to get him out without giving back the item they desire which in turn causes the stone statues to come to life life Y/n had predicted as he starts running around with all his now normal might as Julie in a ship made mech armor picks him up princess style.

Julie: "(Talks with a deep voice) Well hello my sweet princess (giggles) don't worry for I'm here to save you."

Y/n: "(Puts his hands over Julie in her armor as he tries to sound feminine and fails) Oh my hero! I give my thanks Mr.Knight in darkening armor that only seems to light up with every attack. How can I ever repay you kind stranger?"

The two look at each other for a solid minute before they both start laughing over how ridicules they were along with the fact they did so during a life or death event, but then again when wasn't Y/n involved in such things.

Julie places Y/n as far away as he could as she goes on to help everyone else as Y/n manages to find a book about the stone giants to which he of course couldn't understand at all but thought it was interesting non the less and took some photos to try and study later before he goes on to try and help everyone else.

When Y/n gets back in the game he notices Kevin slap the Galvan creature's back hard as it could as a blue disk flies out and almost hits Y/n in the face but thankfully he manages to catch it as he throws it over to Gwen who then throws it to Ben who then throws it to Julie who then throws it to Kevin who then throws it right back to Y/n as he stood on top of the giant stone creature and slammed it into its giant hole.

Doing so causes the statues to go back to being giant rocks instead of giant rock golems as the green aliens let everyone go except of course for the one who caused all this as they basically bill him with a smile on their faces as he just groans as he goes back to his ship and probably eats the blue cookies that he stated to have thought the orb was when he ate it in the first place.

And on the way back to earth every starts to eat some as Y/n almost pukes when he eats them even though he finds them delicious and he has honestly no idea why or how he was even doing it as he hadn't eaten anything all day and felt fine and only now when he was munching on these things did his body start acting up.

Y/n: "(Throwing up as he groans) Oh god (sniffles), I hope that whatever my body's going through finishes soon enough, I mean it was already bad when puberty hit but now I feel like my mother when she first found out about my siblings (barfs once more)."

And as Y/n was having the time of his life on the Rust Bucket MKIII's toilet he could hear outside everyone singing what he had sung earlier as ship had apparently at some point ate, scanned, or whatever a freaking sterio and was playing it at full blast for all to hear... including the things he liked about the girls.

Y/n: "(Sighs as he barfs again) I wonder if I can eject myself through this toilet before we make it home?"

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

Also real quick forgot that in absolute power that Kevin became normal again so for this world's time line just know that in between this chapter and that last one Kevin became normal again.

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