The Alliance

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Both you and Ben are wandering around the store that you have stopped at and as you found something you thought was interesting you then heard Gwen get buried from a bunch of cookies that Ben had toppled over because of one of the boxes that he had grabbed at random.

And after both you and Gwen make a comment about how carless he was and what it had caused you then helped Gwen up and then made a sweet comment about how something sweet got covered in sweetness you don't know if you helped at all, but she did not say anything about that and then left without knowing where she was going you then began to clean up the cookie mess.

And after a while you then left after getting everything that you had wanted just to see that max had taken both Ben and Gwen to dodge the laser blast and Ben then turns into Four Arms and starts to attack the gang that had appeared in the area.

And while all that was happing you went over to where you had seen some of their blasters and started to destroy them as best and as fast as you could while Ben was fighting them and once you are finished you then see that the gang members are all women, and you know that he would be in trouble since he does not want to hit girls.

But you have no problem with any of that since they chose to do bad things to others, and you then start to charge and try to help in any way that you could but then a couple of robots comes crashing through the area and you somehow land on top of one of them and have a little battle with it as you try and get down as well.

And after a while when you finally get to a safe area for you to land and be safe you then start to beat and try to destroy it even more and when you finally get down you then see that Ben is taking Gwen and Max somewhere else and you then try and catch up to them both while thinking up the different areas, he could have brought them, and the only area was a hospital.

When you finally got to the hospital you had found that firstly you got there faster than you thought was possible and secondly you had found that something had happened with Max because both Gwen and Ben looked very sad and were acting very differently than they normally would.

And you then hear Gwen talk about how worried she was about Ben and wanting to know why she did not hit the criminal just because she was a girl and when Gwen hears that she then hits Ben to which he then hits her right back while saying how heroes don't hit girls, but Ben does as he it not a hero.

After a while Ben then activates his Omnitrix as a way of trying to help Ben and then the crime gal that they had met before now looked different and said to hand over the Omnitrix to her to which both you and Ben then told her to make them as you both then grabbed Gwen and ran to get to a safer area.

And after you all then get to a safe area you try to wait for her to leave like you all where characters from any horror series trying not to get found and killed but she then gets annoyed and then creates a landslide and after she does Ben tries to go and help by turning into a hero but you try and stop her by attacking her but you do not much of anything and then get slammed away from the area.

And after seeing what Ben was facing and how he was acting you knew that something was up with him so after getting back on your feet and recovering a bit you then leave and go to where you eventually find Ben to which you then give him some soda and just spend a little bit of time together in silence just watching everyone have fun and being cheerful.

Then after a while you both hear a police radio say that the crime gal was causing more problems so you both then go to where she was reported to be at and then you both go over with you trying to help Ben take her down to which he said not to but you then told him that he ain't goanna stop helping anyone even if it means angering the people he cares the most about.

And when you both then reach to where she is Ben starts to attack and fight her as XLR8 while you then start to sneak around to the back of where she was located so that you could take her down stealth like as if you are a ninja in training.

But when you then finally get to the area to attack her when you do, she just turns around and you then realize that nothing had worked on her and you knew you where in trouble she then smacked you across the area to where you then got caught by Max to which you then proceeded to ask if he was okay leaving the hospital before like he was.

And you all then get to where Ben is after his fight and he then grabs both you and Gwen and tries to talk about his reasons for wanting to leave them and that it was his choice to make but neither you nor Gwen where having any of that and worked on getting him to see reason.

To which after a while Max then calls them and gives Ben a little advice on how to fight Rojo as you finally hear her called as to which Ben then uses and Gwen gloats about how she and the rest of them where needed by Ben.

And after the fight Max is then discharged fully from the hospital and you all then talk about the experience that happened with all of them because of it and Ben then talks about what he had saw from Rojo and how it made him feel before both you and Max then helped him feel better for two different reasons and then the day finally ended on a happy note.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and let me know if you all would like for her to be part of the harem or not and maybe some other girls that you would like just let me know who and a way that could help make it work but until then stay safe and peace.

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