Magical Date

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Today is the day.... the day that Y/n goes on a double date with Gwen and Charmcaster and to say that he was looking forward to this date would be an understatement because the amount of calls and messages he would get from them to make things "fair" as they put it made him feel like Santa.

And like a favorite song on repeat Y/n gives Sibella a duplicate to have all to herself while he leaves to enjoy the company of the other girls in his life that hopefully won't hurt him too bad should he do anything to incure their wrath.

Y/n: "(Messes with hair) I cannot wait for this to be done."

Sibella: "(Hugging duplicate tightly) Why? I thought you were looking forward to it."

Y/n: "(Puts on hoodie) I am but when dealing with Gwen and Charmcaster together (shudders) I can only thank the powers above that they don't hang out together more often."

Popping a breath mint Y/n left to go on one of the most stressful dates that could ever happen to any man and to make matters even worse when he got to the meet up place on time he saw that Gwen and Charmcaster were dressed amazingly as always but what worried him was that they were both laughing.

Y/n: "Hey sorry if I'm late."

Charmcaster: "(Laughs) No no it's okay we were just talking about (burst out laughing again)."

Gwen: "(Slowly stops laughing) Sorry we were just talking about things and eventually we couldn't stop."

Y/n: "Alright so where do you all want to go."

Creepily to Y/n at least the girls looked each other in the eye and smiled as they grabbed Y/n's hand and before he knew it he was somewhere else hopefully on earth while the girls cheered in success making him even more worried thinking this was the first time they tried this spell.

Y/n: "(Grunts) Listen if you want to kill me (flops on the ground) just make it easier next time."

Charmcaster: "(Pokes head) Hello, earth to Y/n you're here with two very attractive girls waiting for you."

Gwen: "Maybe he needs some water?"

Charmcaster: "Nah he's just being a baby (grabs y/ns head and smacks him around for a bit until he starts moving but by then his face was redder then Four Arms) that's better now hurry up we got things to do."

Y/n: "(Sarcastically) Yes Mistress."

Gwen: "(Helps Y/n up) You okay? I know she may not look or sound like it but were both worried about you."

Y/n: "(Grunts) I'm fine just not a real fan of magic especially when it's from a spell neither of you have used before."

Gwen: "(Embarrassed red) Yeeaaa sorry about that you know how she is; wanting to surprise you and all."

Y/n: "Oh, yeah then what about you."

Gwen: "Thought seeing you look surprised would be cute and it was.... until you face planted the floor of course."

Charmcaster: "To me that was the funny bit!"

For awhile after that there was no sound other than that of nature and a weak Y/n getting dragged along the way by Gwen and eventually a maybe jealous Charmcaster until everyone reached a beautiful plot of land that showed the stary night sky above.

Y/n: "Whoa now this is the time of magic I can get behind."

Charmcaster: "(Smirks) Oh really, cause I thought you did that all the time."

Y/n hears a faint slap as Charmcaster yells ow before Gwen and Charmcaster join Y/n on a nice picnic blanket eating a bunch of food that had no business being together other than it being the first foods he ate with either of them and together.

Y/n: "You know I never (swallows food) thought I'd try a PB & J with a pizza before but now that I have (burps) I can safely safe that Max's food taste better than that combo."

Gwen: "Hey! It's not that bad."

Charmcaster: "(Offers Pizza with PB & J on it) Willing to bet on that?"

Gwen: "(Looks at before shuddering) Okay maybe your right and that this wasn't the best idea."

Y/n: "(Lays down) Still fun though including the journey down memory lane."

Charmcaster: "(Snuggles next to Y/n) And the best part is were not done yet."

Y/n: "(Hold Charmcasters hand) Were not?"

Gwen: "(Lays down on Y/ns other arm) Nope because now (Whispers in ear) we.... can.... (Both her and Charmcasters hands move) do..."

Y/n as relaxed as one could be in this situation all of a sudden feels himself get thrown by magic into the nearby pond as Gwen and Charmcaster laugh with a very annoyed and angry Y/n getting out of the water with steam coming off him.

Not waiting to see what he was going to do to them both girls started running into the nearby forest with Y/n chasing them like a certain horror character with the only thing missing to complete the set was a hockey mask.

Y/n: "Where are you! I just want to PLAY! (As he smash's a tree in half)."

Charmcaster starts summoning her rocks golems while Gwen stays close forming a bubble like shield to protect them as they try and find there way out as the see things moving all around while hearing Y/n screaming and chasing them.

The girls pivot left and right so they could each check all around hoping to be safe from their angry boyfriend while creeping closer and closer towards hopefully the exit/entrance to this place and make a clean get away while leaving Y/n behind to hopefully cool off.

But the girls forgot that Ben had given him Swampfire DNA and that he had Wildvine DNA meaning he straight from the underground making them scream in terror because a green monster got them and from how sudden the attack was.

And after Y/n got his revenge it became a back and forth of them messing with each other until they all fell down and just looked at the beautiful stary night sky feeling the cool breeze of the air all around while hoping that no one was around.

With their date over Y/n just turned into mush as he disappeared to rejoin his other half who was busy playing with Sibella and once the girls guessed what happened they saw a very tired Y/n open the door who begged them not to teleport him again until they got better at it.

Sealing the deal with a kiss on the lips everyone made their way home as Y/n flopped in bed trying not to wake Sibella while also cursing the fact that he had school the next day since all he wanted to do after dealing with those two was sleep till next week.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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