Perfect Day.5

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You wake up once again in an arena with a greyish black looking suit with no idea about anything other than everyone calling you S-1178 and for some reason you can shift into different forms at will.

Man in suit of armor: "Remember kid you lose than you'll really know a whole world of pain."

Before you can say anything, the man shocks you as you get dragged onto a stage lift and even when you get on you keep getting pulled until you are forced onto the ground as the stage rises and you could only get up once the stage had reached the surface.

Announcer: "Ladies and gentlemen please give a round of applause to THEEEEEEEEEEE DESTROYEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!"

You are then dragged out of a cell and once again forced to fight against an opponent that you should honestly have no chance of ever beating but once you and the destroyer's chains fall off you both rush at each other because victory means everything.

The destroyer tries to punch you with both fists, but you manage to dodge both of them by shrinking and running with all your might across the ground to hopefully not get caught by this giant monstrous machine they wanted you to fight.

You began running around the destroyer making them constantly turn around trying to catch you like a cartoon character.

After you finished lapping the big guy a few dozen times you could see it looked dizzy and that was when you started shooting both crystals and fire at it hoping that it would fall before it becomes normal again and starts trying to beat you even harder.

You throw barrage after barrage of crystals and fire while hopping that you were even doing anything to that big monster and as it came crashing down to the ground you made a giant stake out of crystals and pierced the things chest hopefully making sure it can never get up again.

Announcer: "And the winner is (sighs) S-1178."

Chains and collars are then forced on you again as you are dragged and zapped all the way back down to the lower floors but unlike last time you were allowed to stay up but were now getting shocked by knights because they were angry at losing their bets because of you.

When the lift stopped the doors opened as you just got done being shocked and as you stood up the man in armor you had meet earlier grabbed your chains and when he did for a split second you saw a mask that you thought you recognized.

But when you looked again you saw that no one was wearing armor and that you were now inside an asylum.

Man in armor?: "It's okay child everything will be alright you just had an episode follow me and remember were only here to help you."

You knew that the man was lying but at the same time you weren't so you followed along with him to his office and sat down on a chair that must have seen better days and when you sat down you hopped it wouldn't be for long because the creaking and sounds of things snapping did not fill you with much if any confidence.

Doctor?: "So Y/n I've heard some very strange things about you from some of your friends and fellow doctors like (looks through a file) how you think you can morph into other beings or that you have girlfriend's plural and that you say you have a pet bat that can light itself on fire."

Y/n: "Where am I?"

Doctor?: "(signs) You are at the forever institute and your parents placed you here because you need help."

The 'Doctor' keeps talking and as he does you see a mask appear on him again this time the whole room changes as well but only for a bit and from what you could remember you saw someone strapped to a table with a weird watch and as everything went back to normal you started getting a headache.

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