Ultimate Weapon

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As you and everyone else are having a bowl of green mysterious food that you all seem to enjoy before learning that the crunchy bits where dung beetles and as you everyone, but Max try and spit out all the food you had in your mouths an alarm goes off.

Max: "This is the Mask of Ah Puch its the key to the most powerful and destructive weapon ever created."

Before you all then drive off towards Texas to get to the mask before anyone else does.

Max: "The Mask of Ah Puch is the guide to the Sword of Ek Chuaj, the plumbers searched for it for decades without any luck."

Before both Ben and Max then start talking about what the creature that could have made the weapon and the mask as you just talk with Gwen over what it could possibly be and what they might do if they got it while also flirting a bit with each other.

Once you all get to a location that's in the middle of nowhere Max pulls over which you guessed meant that this was the location of the mask that Max was wanting to find before he then gave Ben a mission on what he was supposed to do once he got in and which alien to use to do it.

Once Ben left you and Gwen try to talk sense into Max for the way he acted towards Ben but you both knew it fell on deaf ears when he said.

Max: "You're just kids I don't expect you to understand."

Eventually you all then left to meet up with Ben on where he was supposed to open the back door for all of you and when he did Max was just as harsh as he had been since he saw that mask before you picked up Ben as Gwen smelled him and asked why he smelled like dog slobber and after getting in.

Gwen: "Have any of you seen Max this serious."

Y/n: "I haven't met him for long but."

Y/n&Ben: "We've never seen anyone this serious."

After entering a room with a giant safe Max said that it had to be in there which Ben then jumped off you and starting to crack the safe and once it was opened Max was just a bit creeper before a group of knights came in.

??? knight: "I thought you'd be tired from the plumbing business Mr. Tenneson or may I call you Max."

And after a little banter between both the knight that you learn is called Enoch that tried to take Ben away and before all of you could get into a fight a guard then comes in which distracts Enoch long enough for Ben to blind him with his small body that allowed all of you to run away.

As you all were running the security went off but before any of you could get trapped in there you turned your arms into Diamondheads as you held up the fence for a bit for both Max and Gwen to make it out before you then dropped it after also making it to the other side.

After making it outside Max carries both you and Gwen to the Rust Bucket before he then drives towards were you all found Ben in a dumpster before then driving off after Enoch you had managed to steal the mask.

After a while you all get to the Forever Knights car as Max then proceeds to ram them while you turn your hands into Fourarms and DiamondHeads so that you could have pair hold you while you started to shoot at their tires to stop them while Ben couldn't do anything because of the watch timing out as Max then changed into his old plumber suit.

After a while you all get to the Forever Knights car as Max then proceeds to ram them while you turn your hands into Fourarms and DiamondHeads so that you could have pair hold you while you started to shoot at their tires to stop them while Ben co...

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