The Forge

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Y/n: "This is the day we've all been waiting for!"

The small room that was filled up with Umbra, Sibella, Joshua and his two girlfriends all erupted in giant roars of applause since this was the first step towards figuring out how to become normal again.

For Joshua and the girls along with everyone else that had been turned into mixed meat alien/human hybrid creatures as Y/n along with Umbra and two Galvans who had just arrived on earth from Galvan prime as they worked around making a lesser version of the Omnitrix in the simplest of terms at least.

Of course this entire thing was going to be a trial experiment to see what the heck would happen with the little patch they made since it's for the most part based on how Kevin morphs and everything along with the Omnitrix's DNA safe lock feature.

This was something that none of them really wanted to try since it was still a protype... and the fact that there was almost a guarantee of it to set its self on fire, sparks to start flying, or god forbid it start playing that one song no one likes because it was made up of old IPOD parts.

Joshua steps up to the plate like the man he is whilst the girls and Umbra watch on in horror as Y/n forcibly straps him down to a gurney as the two Galvans start making x's all across his body like they were looking for a certain spot as Y/n just managed to finish gagging Joshua so he'd finally shut up.

Eventually the two Galvan's finally find where they were looking to stick the DNA-CONVERTER and one of the Galvan's Blukic Y/n thinks his name was licks the device as the other one called Driba knocks his head as he grabs the device and plunges it right where Joshua... well you can image were they stuck it.

Anyway once the device was firmly latched onto... him Joshua would have started crying out bloody murder if he could as he started to transform into his super form as you can imagine that being in that much pain had knocked his mask off and again because of the tiny sparks the man calling himself so was getting supercharged from it.

Of course this was all off set by Y/n abosrbing it all and then feeding it right back into the chip or anything else that the two idiot Galvan's had attached to him as Sibella used her owners body recharge something that was vibrating very fast and seemed to make her very happy and whenever Y/n tried to see whatever it might have been she seemed very eager to hide.

Ignoring his Y/n kept holding Joshua down as he did his best to absorb all the energy the beast was letting out as he started to snarl and actually manage to bite down on the metal rod that Y/n had put in between his mouth like he was some patent at an insane asylum.

Eventually however Joshua manages to break free but that was only short lived as Sam power bombed him into the ground which honestly shocked everyone in the room including Y/n since she did it so fast that he couldn't see her do anything other than grab him and preforming the power bomb.

Thankfully this made everything easier as Joshua was now out cold as Berry seemed to be making fun or at the very least snide comments towards Sam for Power Bombing Joshua as Sibella continued watching and laughing like she was watching a three stooges film.

The process of the chip doing its thing kept going as everyone finally started to wind down for a bit as they all went about their time doing whatever they needed to do as both Blukic and Driba straight up left once Joshua was out cold so they could set their stuff up whilst Sibella, Sam, and Berry were now playing poker in the corner of the room.

However that all changed when Y/n felt a great big surge of energy and then before he knew it he was falling? floating? he had no idea which was happening but he knew for a fact that one of them had to be involved as he bear witnessed to Kevin being in his brand new mutated state just as Y/n landed right in front of him.

Kevin seemed to just laugh at Y/n as the man struggled to even get up on? Whatever the heck they were standing and fighting on and only managed to get enough momentum to grab hold onto one of Kevin's now mutated legs and procced to absorb as much as he could from the man.

With great big hopes of turning him back to normal if he just absorbed enough but sadly either Sparks, sparks somehow made his powers unstable or someone was playing homey don't play that with Y/n as before he felt like he could do any serious change to Kevin he was sent right back to where he was before.

All without anyone noticing what happened and only came to look once Y/n fell over as his body started to mutate a bit as his Omnitrix necklace looking thing started to go rainbow on him as it flashed through every color it could have without stopping.

Y/n laid there on the ground spazzing out just like Joshua had done on the chair with the only difference being that this one was a lot more violent as every bit and piece of him was morphing and shifting at a rate that can only be called doomsday scenario as the body did everything in its power to stay in one piece.

And this went on for a solid two hours and only stopped once Driba injected something into Y/n as Blukic injected the same thing into Umbra before moving on to do the same to Joshua as all three men passed out like they spent a night on the town instead of whatever you'd call this night in a cell.

When all three men woke up all the girls were for some reason laughing at the pair but that's only what Umbra thought as Joshua thought they all seemed to be crying whilst Y/n saw nothing as he became temporarily blind as sounds could be heard of someone being forced to hand over money.

Driba: "Oooh! I knew I should have counted that into the equation!"

Blukic: "But you didn't Driba and that's why you's got to pay the big bucks."

Umbra: "What happened and why was I injected."

Driba: "Precaution my dear minor shifter since you are similar to the first shifting one than we had to assume you might have a fight just like him and that wouldn't have helped anyone."

Blukic: "What my friend means to say is that it was for your own benefit in case you turned out like these other two meatheads."

Joshua at first felt a bit offended by his quip before accepting that he was mostly action first, which might have been the key reason he was in this mess in the first place.

All while Y/n was mostly silent since he didn't really care since he knew he wasn't the smartest man on the block... well unless you count that one session he taught to some ticked off minors but I mean what's the worst that can happen when you teach young children how to hurt others while making it look accidental.

Driba: "By my calculations both Joshua and Umbra should be ready to leave in about a months time whilst-"

Blukic: "Y/n should stay put and get some rest unless he wants a repeat on what happened before and after the injection."

And with that all three men all flop down on their beds as they all let out a sigh at the exact same time and then have a little laugh about it as all three girls wonder what was wrong with both their taste in men and said men in their lives.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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