Sibella's Daily routine

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Once the clock hits 2PM Sibella is wide awake with the first thing she does is go off into the kitchen and get some snacks and whatever leftovers are closer to their expiration date than the others and disappears for a little while with an empty sack and a great big smile on her face as something red drips from her hands and feet.

Not wanting to make anymore of a mess than she had to Sibella hops into the shower and gets herself clean whilst her old clothes that Y/n had given her get clean and once she's down with her shower she has a snack whilst talking to a picture of Y/n about what she did earlier that day and the day before.

Once finished eating she burs the remainders of her food before placing them in the sink and heading off to bed once again with Y/n in her arms as she slightly drools and nibbles on Y/ns shoulder like a giant baby.

She then gets awakened again by a sudden jolt but then quickly realizes that its just Y/n waking up looking all cute with his groggy face at least according to her and placing her gently on her bed on his wall Y/n starts to get undressed so he can get ready for the day and once he leaves Sibella picks out both their outfits for the day so they can wear matching outfits.

And the second she finished that was when Y/n came back in with a toothbrush in his mouth and once he grabbed his hoodie and put it own that was when he was ready to start his day as he cracked his neck and injected himself with something that increasingly worried Sibella to no end.

Then the two go off to school well Y/n does while Sibella either watches in the shadows or just waits for it to end while she's bored out of her mind waiting for Y/n to be done already with the so called school.

And on this particular day she decided to wait at home like most days but her reason for doing so today was because after about three hours and then five little kids all rushed into the building and started running around the place while Sibella tried to catch them.

Whenever she got one of them another would knock her down or do something that would cause her to run towards them and stop it usually when they were messing with something, trying to enter the workshop, or whenever they were about to break something.

Sibella: "(Falls onto the floor and blows her hair out of the way) Who ever said we were nocturnal needs to get shot (gets up and runs towards another loud crashing sound)."

Bumbling her way through the hallways as she tires to get to the area where the crash sound came from but is finding it difficult what with the little kids running everywhere and once she finally enters the bedroom she sees that her bed had been destroyed making it the cause of the crash.

Now if this were anyone else she would destroy them in a fiery ball of rage but she tries to calm herself down and instead calmly walks towards the bedroom closet and reaches to grab an old baseball Y/n used to play with and starts charging at the little brats Tom and Jerry style.

Sibella started cashing after them with all her might and eventually she managed to catch up to one of them and after getting hit with her full might the little girl turned into mush on the wall with no one seeming to care at all about what just happened.

And while she was chasing the others she kicked one like she was trying to make a field goal straight out of the bedroom window into the city and before any of the rest could do anything else she grabbed them all like a sandwich and pinned them to the ground as she struck them like a pair of drums.

Once she finished only one kid remained and they were now a crying mess on the floor with some new liquids on the bat that Sibella would later do her best to clean up just low how it was before even though it was nothing more than a red handle now.

Sibella: "(Throws handle into bedroom and closes it) No more running around the place got it! I only brought you all here so that you'd know what he's like."

Kids 1,2, &3: "Yes mom."

Sibella: "Good now help me clean this place up and help your sister of the wall and make sure she's not sleeping."

The first kid started growing out vine like tentacles from his hands as he wiped the stained sibling off the wall and once she was off the mush started moving until it morphed back into the form of a little girl as she then fell asleep once again.

Meanwhile Kid 2 had spread out some winged gliders in between her hands along with a tail and started looking around the area to see if something else was missing or not and if their were anymore problems within the apartment while Kid 3 had doubled and then tripled themselves as they swept the floors, did the dishes, and made the laundry.

All while Sibella just watched from the corner this time with a 9-iron that Y/n found one day and thought it looked cool with its zig zag pattern and while he did have to get it cleaned because of all the liquids and crusts that were on it but after a few fifty washes it became as good as knew especially with a fire patter all across it.

Looking at the clock it was now time for Sibella's afternoon nap and once everyone was finished she shared it with the kids and everyone had a nice dream and an even greater rest as they all felt happy.... until the fire- I mean until the front door started to bang startling them all awake.

As everyone scrambles Sibella looks at the time and realizes that Y/n's back home so she quickly rushes towards the kitchen and gives everyone some food before they all leave and as they do she gives each and every single one of them a hug and a kiss on the cheek as they fly out the window.

Y/n: "I'm home! Anything interesting happen while I was gone?"

Sibella: "(Panting out of breath and wearing one of Y/n's shirts that looks way bigger on her) No nothing happened other than me being bored and missing you."

Y/n: "Well I have I don't have any more school for the rest of the week so I'm free unless someone calls first but for the most part you have me all to you're self."

Sibella: "(Jumps in the air with joy and squeals) There are are so many things I want-"

And then with a sour face everything is ruined as Y/ns phone rings and since he doesn't really carry it around so Sibella can use it and the fact it just so happened to call the very second he got off school and was on break meant someone needed him which caused Sibella to pout.

Y/n: "(Phone clicks) Hello? Yes I understand I'll be there (hangs up.)"

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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