Inspector #14

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As Y/n opens his eyes he notices that not only is he inside some sort of space ship garage, he's also being held against his will by one of those freaky murder bot creator guys who send machines out to destroy whatever they were sent to do and get stronger after every battle.

Ben told Y/n all about how it was a massive pain to deal with one of those things and seeing how Y/n was hooked up to some sort of machine tighter than Vilgax probably ever dreamed possible, Y/n could very much guess what was about to happen.

Y/n: "This will never work."

Inspector: "(Pokes head around corner) Of course it will, I have you and your in my machine that change the way our robots operate for eons to come."

Y/n tries to morph, shift, change, fuse, heck he even tries to spit out a little him to help out but nothing happens and now Y/n has a giant puddle of both snot and spit laying down in front of him forming a sickening puddle to look at.

Looking around his little cell Y/n notices that there were some syringes hooked up to the walls that seemed to be drawing his blood or something since they were full of a green liquid but last time Y/n checked his blood was still red like everyone else.

That wasn't even the weirdest thing as behind him Y/n could vaguely see something that did not seem kind, comfy, nor very friendly and the way it was positioned let Y/n know that he had to go and it had better be sooner rather than later.

But besides maybe a few air vents that are the size of golf balls on the ceiling there's nothing else to really see here or hope to find a way out, along with this Inspector gadgeteer somehow seeming to have found a way to turn him back into a freaking human.

The only thing that Y/n can really do is try his best and figure out the configuration of this restraint device and see or rather hear if there's something loose or is something can be moved around in a violent enough manner to break it.

And so what followed was Y/n moving around like he was being exorcised for the about the second time or maybe third time now as he violently swung around the place with his whole body making sure that if he could move then he would flick it around without any hesitation.

Sadly however this did nothing more than giving Y/n sever whiplash across everything he just violently shacked around to the point where he knew that if he got out of this then he'd certainly be feeling it for a very long while... especially if he stays human as well.

Y/n then sighs as he'd have rather not used this last method but at this point he was beyond desperate so Y/n began his best attempt at pulling the clamps off his arms and his legs and not because he thought it would work but instead because he was trying to distract whatever might have been watching him. So that he could bite his tongue but just the tip in case this all goes horribly wrong to try and get some blood so he could make his little blood goop thing to come help him.

Thankfully that somehow seemed to work but Y/n has a sneaking suspicion that the inspector thing wanted this to happen or rather let it happen as it could have been very curious to see what the heck Y/n was up to.

The little red blob that could eventually made its way to one of the many little vents thanks to Y/n sucking it up and then spitting it directly at the ceiling which allowed the blob to wiggle its way into one of the vents.

After some time of it getting thrown and bashed around the air ways the little goop of blood managed to slip through the cracks and exit the area only to then be collected by the Inspector and placed on some sort of table that started scanning it only for the goop to then explode.

Inspector: "Hmm it seems that you are a lot more stubborn and resourceful than I had originally thought."

The inspector collects the everything it could of whatever remained from Y/n's little red blob that could, and placed it above some sort of receptacle or whatever he called it but from what Y/n could barely see the thing looked like a giant circular glowing electronic with a grid pattern.

However the Inspector man could not have foreseen that the little red blood blob that could had full control over every part of its little gelatinous body and when it destroyed itself, it had snuck a tiny little piece of itself onto the inspectors foot.

After awhile is drops itself off and starts slinking on over towards wherever the computers may be as the other parts of itself that can't move without the brain can still see where everything is and know from a high point of view where it has to go.

Once it finally made its way towards the main computer area after much trial and error of actually finding out where the heck the dang thing was really located, the little red blob attacks the main computer as the Inspector laughs.

Which let Y/n know that this creepy scientist from the apocalypse probably already knew everything that Y/n was trying to plan and wanted to see what the heck it was up to only for it to be something as dumb as attacking the central computer with something barely the size of a singular nail.

What the main of the unholy hour didn't realize however was the fact that this was the plan all along as the tiny blood cell would then scatter into microscopic pieces of itself that would then turn into upgrade and become one with the computer!

After a few seconds Y/n understands what had happened to him along with what the green stuff really was along with what appeared to have been quite a few robot death machines made from his essence seeming to fight Ben, Kevin, and Gwen.

Thankfully however it seemed like the trio were winning but if Y/n's math was right (and since he was hooked up to a computer it probably was) if they kept winning for about ten more times then these things would be impossible for them to deal with as his genome pattern would have finally fused with the most powerful armor it could make.

Across the city of Bellwood stood three murder bots as they rolled into action in destroying Ben, Gwen, and Kevin for all they were worth and seemed to be getting real close to doing so as they had all seemed more than a little tired by that point in time and all it would have taken was one swift laser blast.

As the three groaned in pain and seemingly accepted their fate one of the death bots started T-posing and blasted its compatriots into nothing more than ugly statues with holes in them or split open like they were cut by the tin man.

The trio look up only to see the final robot grabbing the other pieces and rushing towards the garage where everything was made as it started to build up its reactor core along with the two other reactor cores along with it.

Inside the Inspector man was freaking out as he couldn't understand why this was happening as nothing he did to the computer seemed to work even though it said it should have and the worst part (for him at least) was that Y/n was now free to whack him over the head with a nearby toolbox.

Y/n: "That'll teach you to steal somebodies seed and turn them into killer robots!"

Y/n then placed his hand on the grid tech thing and absorbed his DNA along with the computers but not before he made sure to send this thing across the stars and to crash into a nearby ship to blow them up as well.

Looking around the place Y/n takes a giant toolbox from them along with stealing his diluted essence and what the heck why not take a metal hand or two that have yet to be finished just in case he ever needs one.

Once Y/n was packed up he started to hear the base's alarm go off which let Y/n know it was time to go intangible along with invisible as he phased right through the ship as it took off with three bombs inside just waiting to go off.

Y/n: "I wonder if we'd even be able to see it from here."

As if by magic the thing exploded into a big enough ball of fire that you could have sworn for about five seconds earth was close to having two suns on its hands before it just vanished as quick as it came.

When returning home Y/n never said anything to anyone about what just happened to him and even pretended to be completely oblivious to any and everything Ben, Gwen, and Kevin were talking about as he listened to them talk about their day.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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