The Secret of Chromastone

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The day was just like any other for Y/n after he finally finished screening everyone that was saved from the underground lab with his just chilling on his couch with his pet bat Sibella sleeping on his stomach as he watched whatever was on T.V. not really watching but having something there just in case he does want to watch as well as give him something to listen to as he tries his best to relax.

All of that however was completely broken and destroyed however once a solid red looking Chromastone burst through his front door with a solid white eye instead of Ben's normal green eye meaning either this was Albedo, Umbra, or worse someone completely new.

Y/n trying his best to both get up in a fighting stance while also trying to make sure that Sibella doesn't wake up only barley mages to do so once he managed to scoop Sibella on top of his head as he stood there ready to throw down should things go south.

???: "WAIT!!!"

Just then Tetrax along with Ben, Gwen, and Kevin all showed up through his door all looking a little worried about something (except Tetrax who honestly looks desperate which is a face that Y/n both didn't know he could make nor his species.)

Y/n: "(Puts his hands down) So what do you all want from me?"

Without saying anything the Chromaststone creature went over to Y/ns body and did something with it's energy abilities that resulted in tiny fragments of Y/n falling off like they were sand passing through a hand revealing underneath Chromastone of Y/ns variety.

Now standing a red Chromastone with a white eye and a normal somewhat Ben looking Chromastone with a green eye are standing side by side as the pair just head out the door and start flying shocking everyone around them at both what just happened as well as the fact that Chromastone could freaking fly!

Greatly annoying Ben as she begins thinking about all the times her being  Chromastone and being able to fly would have been very useful if she had only known at the time as everyone else drags her away so that they could meet up with the two Chromastone aliens.

-Inside Tetrax's ship-

Ben: "What the heck was that! I know I agreed to helping you and everything and even allowed you to destroy Diamondheads body to get Chromastone! But why the heck is Y/n involved!"

Tetrax: "I'm sorry to say (rubs the back of his head) but I don't know what is happening either... (brings his hands outward as if forming a W with his body) honestly I thought you were the last and only Crystalsapien in the universe.... so uh... my bad for getting your friend in trouble."

Gwen: "(Slams table) Saying sorry doesn't change the fact that you're supposed protector just mind jacked our friend and pretty much kidnapped him!"

Kevin: "(Finally gets the star map table to start working as he gets up from underneath it) Look I finally got the thing to work but everyone needs to chill (flicks Gwen and Ben's foreheads) especially you two! We all know that Y/n is a hard guy to kill heck I probably know that better than either of you (looks a little too smug saying that). But I also know that it's easy to track a guy who's basically a walking Omntirix."

Kevin pulls something out of somewhere and plugs it in like a flash drive to the star map which begins showing a line connecting where they are and a far away figure that seemed to be moving along a little slower than before.

Kevin: "This is something I once stole from Vilgax which shows any and all signs of the Omnitrix in the entire universe! Of course any of them leave our universe then it's pretty much useless tracking them but for the most part since theirs only to blips than we know (points at Ben) where one is (points at the blink distant light on the star map) and now we know were the other is heading."

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