Absolute Power

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What does it mean when you can do as you please? What does it mean when there's nothing to stop you? What does it mean... when there's nothing in life to truly do? These are the questions that the lord of the armada Draccen asks himself every time he looks towards infinity and beyond.

Within his Citadel that sales across the stars with the only thing managing to both be a major nuisance but also the only real form of entertainment that he's had over the years are the protectors and their hard pressed desire to help all those in need.

Just remembering all the times his planes had been stopped by these idiots causes him to develop a major headache as he sits on his thrown with hordes of his minions staring at him as they wait for his next orders.

Draccen: "(Holds his arm out) Accelerate towards the nebulane abyss! And once there we may find the piece!"

With that said everyone gets to work in making the ship move across everything that comes in its path as Draccen holds  in hands a sword made from the planetary alignments from a man lost in time helped to be powered by his own craft of course.

Gazing at his blade he sees the slots he's made for all the worlds power he had taken for his own as it helped make him the being that he currently was as he stared into the reflection and saw a celestial-sapien looking right back at him which filled him with anger but he released it all with but a mighty sigh.

For it was no fault of anyone's but his own as this is what happens when you steal from someone that was claimed to be smarter than most... including other galaxies and quite possibly universes too. For taking the sword from the land at which it was made to rest Draccen was changed by the encounter to be seen among others no matter how he may try to hide from them.

Honestly he doesn't really know if this was something planned on that mad man's part or if him turning out like this was by accident and just kind of happened from the years of it being long forgotten by others. Either way however he does not mind it all that much as it has allowed him greater abilities than a mortal man, especially when he pairs them up with the sword.

Draccen stands and then leaves to do something else on the ship and once he does everyone lets out a sigh of relief as they all continue to work as they had but with a much calmer aura surrounding them all as they all crack jokes and start to talk like their in high school computer class all over gain.

Throughout the ship many of the crew members stop what their doing and give a salute to Draccen before they go along with what they were doing if they were doing something important or where high enough level that they didn't have to. As for the low ranked members of the crew, especially those that weren't doing anything important they would stay saluting long after Draccen was no longer seen just to be on the safe side and also as a form of respect.

From all the members there are only two that are truly important to Draccen and those were the newest recruits as they were needed for both their powers and DNA as a way to anchor themselves to their ancestors timeline without the need to steal them from others as that's what gave him away many times in the past.

The center of the Citadel held both the core of the giant transforming ship, but also more importantly to Draccen was the the time gate that he had been using for at that point solid centuries of his own journey through time but for others only began development ten years ago.

And throughout those centuries of living Draccen had learned, taught, been taught, mastered, and created many knew forms of both fighting and surviving throughout the universe to the point that he could honestly be considered the forefather of war and combat.

When he was eventually found and brought back to his normal time Draccen was too far gone in the ways of old and had to be restrained and contained for a solid year before he was even able to understand how to shave his face or even speak without punching others first.

This was long before he made his Citadel though which was what made it deemed a massive project failure when it had occurred with Draccen stealing the device and plans required to make it work as he then began making his own city in the skies like he did long ago on the sea.

Nowadays however he mostly uses the device to try and make it harder for Y/n to become the man he was, with the only thing he successfully managed to do was cause one of his many wives to break up with him permanently whilst also causing the others to become greatly annoyed at him over the years.

Scientist/historian 1: "Sir (salutes) why don't you just bring him to the future and lock him up if he's that much of a threat to you and the great empire?"

Draccen: "Because if I did than all of history will be altered in a way that could quite possibly either destroy the fragile balance we already have or worse... (lightly shudders) have everything be better than it already is."

Scientist/historian 2: "Wouldn't that be for the best if everything gets better?"

Draccen: "Yes but the thing about time travel is you never really know what future awaits you depending on how you act or what you do. I mean take the device I put in his car, the things still waiting for its activation time and yet we've already caused one of the most annoying groups to drift off into an even more annoying group but one that split instead of unified."

Scientist/historian 3: "Sir the temporal portal is ready... may what your plan is for this trip?"

Draccen: "(Holding a syringe) I'm going to meet the origin of my own... Kevin E. Leven and get a fresh sample of his DNA so I can try and fix my body, its either that or improve what I already am like his crazed forms I used to hear about as a kid."

One of the scientist/historians pulls a level as the temporal portal aligns itself to a certain pre set pattern as Draccen puts on what appears to be a future ID mask as he places something on the nape of his neck as he then turns into a Kevin look alike but with blond hair instead of the normal black hair.

Draccen: "When I get back I expect all of you to have a training room ready along with something to eat as I will most likely be wanting a good meal after either getting used to my new body or letting out some steam (glares at all of them with his eyes)."

All Scientist/historian's: "YES SIR (Hard salute)!"

Draccen: "(Puts on his shirt and pants that look like a more plain version of child Ben's clothes) Perfect than I'll see you all later."

He walks through the portal and then returns after an hour had passed for them as everything was ready as they all waited for Draccen to exit the temporal portal and when he does he looks the exact same except that he was now able to make parts of his body like mutated Kevin's.

Draccen: "Well as you all can see (makes cosmic looking flames) not everything went as planned but still (grows two more arms and wings) this should make things a little more even and interesting next time we meet those heroic fools."

Draccen, shifts back to normal and makes his way towards the training room as he fights Y/n when he was at his peak power wise and seemed to have lasted about 1 second longer than he normally would have otherwise which excites him greatly.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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