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Y/n wakes up inside a box with nothing around him other than white walls as he wonders just how the heck he got so lost from everyone else when all he did was lean on what he thought was a nearby wall, as everything looks the same other that what might be inside the dang thing!

Y/n: "Where the heck- (echo's around as he starts falling through something?)"

As Y/n falls through, a hole in time? Space? Dimensions??? He honestly has no idea since no matter where he looked it looked as if everything was going in slow motion and also super speed like whenever they tried to watch a movie and Ben or Kevin would eventually get bored and either fast forward everything or "accidentally" spill something that messes the DVD player up completely.

Y/n: "(Winds? Blowing across his face and body as he falls down to where he was going) This is the last time that I help Ben with anything... without at least asking some questions before hand!"

All of this started when Ben showed up to his house and asked him if he wanted to travel through space and while Y/n had no desire to do so since it was easier than breathing for him to go to space and back he couldn't say no or be dismissive because of Sibella, and his twin siblings eyes looking like they were about to start begging him to go and bring something back for them.

And not wanting to disappoint his family he of course goes along with whatever the heck Ben, Kevin, and Gwen were planning on doing as Y/n just sits back and watches as he messes with three random meteorites that he plucked from Saturn's Asteroid-belt.

Eventually they manage to step inside a giant cube that moves around more than babies first Rubix cube with the only thing being different is the fact that this thing had different treats in store for almost all the rooms that would be given out at random like trick or treating at the house of someone who is known to hate kids.

Anyway Y/n wonders just how much longer he's going to continue falling for since according to his watch (that's been reversing backwards like it was injected with XLR8 life blood) he's been falling for about five hours give or take the speed at which time started becoming meaningless.

Thankfully at some point he managed to actually hit something for once and it oddly looked and felt like a metal grate? When Y/n finally got up he started to look around the place and was shocked to see not only Professor Paradox but also some small guy looked way into tech to the point it was hard to see anything beyond the machine parts they were wearing.

Professor Paradox: "Ah wonderful timing (motions for Y/n to come over) Now I'm sure you all know who I am as I brought you from times when we have meet and I thank you for being able to come. (Claps hands together) Now then I need both of your helps in stopping these (turns towards giant monitor where a bunch a small jelly looking aliens are landing on things and then converting them to jelly like hybrids.) As you can see these creatures are vary dangerous and as I can't afford to get touched by any of them I've had to outsource as the kids say in bringing two of the most skilled men I can."

MEcha kid: "(Growly robotic voice) You brought us both since we have the skills and possibly can afford to get hit by those things right?"

Professor Paradox: "(Taps his nose twice) Precisely! (brings out a bag) care for a gumball?"

The MEcha kid takes grabs one from a tiny tendril and while Y/n nor Paradox could see they could more or less guess that he was happy with getting a blue one as he brought it towards his mouth and began chewing the thing as the sound slightly echoed.

Y/n: "Okay so what's the plan? I mean like what the heck are we going to do because realistically there's no way that we can just take them if they absorb and morph whatever the come into contact with into I guess weapons of death?"

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