Ultimate Aggragor

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Its time for the final show down with some devil looking alien that from what Y/n heard was apparently the same species as Kevin and seemed to be on a war path to get even stronger along with him seeming to be just as if not even crazier than Kevin was as a kid.

But it didn't seem to stop there either as the man apparently had all the aliens he needed for whatever his master plan was but thankfully he didn't seem to have the right equipment for the job which forced him into staying on earth for a bit longer which should give Ben's team along with Y/n and his team enough time to find and stop the guy.

However its going to be very hard to find a guy who if they were to go based on what the giant electro jellyfish creature said of how he could track all of them because of Ben scanning and putting them inside of her Omnitrix than what hope does Y/n have to find them since he's similar in wave length to the thing.

That wasn't his only issue with finding them however because in all honest Y/n has no real idea what the guy looks like nor any of the aliens and the worst part of that would be the fact that because of his limited knowledge he has no real way of knowing how to attack the guy and quite possibly win.

It certainly doesn't help that since he has the same powers of Kevin it could possibly mean that he already possesses more than a few different powers from the aliens he had absorbed the energy off of like some cheap but still eerily creepy vampire knock off.

Thankfully however Y/n has been training just in case someone like Kevin turned evil and tried to drain him of all his power and energy... which was just Sparks as he'd just use him as a human shield since the man could just make his own energy along with a field surrounding him making him pretty good for some power vampires either as food or as a shield.

Y/n then gets giant power spikes coming from where he and Ben's team had first come into contract with professor paradox but also one that looked even more familiar with its location and it didn't take long for him to find out that was his testing ground.

Y/n: "(Tries to call Ben only for it to go straight to voice mail) Listen I'm sorry but I can't help you right now (runs through the rain and many puddles) but there's something else I got to take care of and if what I saw is correct than is could possibly be either as dangerous or even more so than you Aggragor guy."

Y/n throws his phone into his bag not really caring if it landed or not as time was off the essence more than before since his testing site was very dangerous because he's left many dangerous things there not thinking anyone would go to it and also because of all the left over radiant energy build up over the years.

Eventually Y/n gets there and sees what looks to be a giant purple fog reminiscent of Ghostfreak and his little plan for the world but on a much smaller scale especially with the fact there appeared to be lighting inside the fog pit just like what Ghostfreak was probably wanting.

Jumping down into the sea of fog Y/n notices that he's somehow traveled to the void... except its looks very different since instead of it being red all around there's lots of purple and while he has no idea what was up or down in the void it wasn't so bad that he literally had no idea if he was supposed to start falling or not like he's some sort of cartoon character.

An example of this would have to be when he first entered he was standing on a tiny ledge that he could barley stand on and as he looked up he saw another exact version of his little island above him as he looked around and saw that gravity basically meant nothing as their were islands all around.

But if he wasn't going to stop when a giant bat ingulfed in flames wearing a giant mech suit (that he designed and made) any time he was going out to meet with anyone of his other female friends like Julie or Frightwig then he could certainly get to the bottom of this mystery.

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