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As Y/n swings across the void hoping to find someplace safe to land where the giant bat, tentacle creature looking things called wardens hopefully can't find him but unfortunately in a place meant to be the intergalactic prison for all inmates its not really easy finding somewhere safe to lye low for awhile so his body can freak out all it wants until it become manageable for him to suppress it again.

Flying through whatever the air in there would be called Y/n eventually stops as something grabbed onto the rock he was soaring on and brought it down to their ground floor with Y/n not being able to do pretty much anything as his disease had only gotten worse since he had been there as it meant that his concentration was split between him living and controlling his alien spasms.

Y/n: "(Grunts as he tries and fails to look up) Who are you?"

???: "(Familiar sounding voice) A friend."

The strange yet familiar man then grabbed him or he would have except some four arms looking alien with a claw hand had beaten him to the punch and was now dragging Y/n along with them for the ride while Y/n just tried to stay conscious, not absorb anymore unwanted DNA, and most of all not try to throw up on the big red guy since something was telling Y/n that doing so would be very bad for him.

While he swayed left and right not by the giant red man walking but because the giant red man was holding Y/n up on a hook staff thing like he was some sort of disease ridden animal that they had to take to the vet to make sure nothing was wrong with it while not wanting to get whatever it may have just in case.

??? Female: "Hey watch it! What if he falls down into the void."

??? Male: "I wouldn't miss him if that were to happen in fact I think we should celebrate."

Hearing this Y/n tries his best to recall who he might have angered enough for them to act this way towards him and then it hit him that he might have been counting grains in the sand as that would have been way easier than trying to figure out who he angered enough for them to want to drop him into the void.

Passing through what might have been the entrance to their base of operations Y/n saw some guy with spikes and a white steak in his hair just watching everything go down while slamming his palm in his face and bringing it down as he sighs once he sees what the red guy was doing.

??? Male 2: "Put him down (sees red move somewhat) and I do mean gently inside the cave."

??? Male: "*Grumbles and mumbles* (lets go of stick causing Y/n to fall) there I placed him into the cave just like you asked."

??? Male 2: "Whatever good enough I guess."

So now Y/n just lays there not really being able to move as he tries his best to control whatever was happening to him and just as he felt like he was about to go on a rampage one of them stabbed and injected him with something that began to make him feel as if everything prior were just a horrible dream that was going on for months.

Y/n: "(Genuine amazement and praise) Wow that was amazing what's in that?"

???: "(Chuckles) Well you should know its one of my prized recipes."

And before he could do anything to respond the cloaked man pulled down his hoodie revealing himself to be Grandpa Max! Meaning that he had lived throughout the explosion that Ben had told him about and was now inside the Null Void... but more importantly.

Y/n: "Did you just say I ate (gags) one of your prized recipes."

Grandpa Max: "Yep and its something I've been messing with as most of the ingredients are hard to come by here but (takes a spoon full) I think it taste just as good as before."

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