Be Afraid of the Dark.5

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As you awaken you see the strange being that looks like you chained up along with other beings that you guess are you're aliens or the DNA you acquired and when you try to move that's when you notice that you are also chained up like the rest.

???: "W-A-K-E-Y W-A-K-E-Y."

You turn around towards the familiar creepy tone of you're ghost freak but unlike last time it appears to resemble you and behind him is an army of fusions of himself and all the other aliens you could turn into.

Y/n: "How are you here I thought I saw you get obliterated."

Ghost Freak: "F-O-O-L-I-S-H B-O-Y I W-A-S -J-U-S-T B-I-D-I-N-G M-Y T-I-M-E."

As Ghost Freak you talks you try to find any way of breaking out but alas no matter how much you try you are still trapped and strapped to a chair.

Ghost Freak: "Y-O-U-R N-O-T G-O-I-N-G A-N-Y-W-H-E-R-E."

You are then forced back down into the chair as more and more chains wrap around you're body and once they fully cover you that's when Ghost Freak starts laughing long and very much creepily and once he stops he stares at you as you're look alike moves towards you. 

Ghost Freak: "S-O-O-N Y-O-U, T-E-N-N-Y-S-O-N, A-N-D T-H-E E-N-T-I-R-E W-O-R-L-D W-I-L-L B-E R-E-M-A-D-E I-N M-Y I-M-A-G-E."

Y/n: "You're a joke you know that."

And before you could even blink they were closer than you would have ever liked to you're face as he slams you into the chair by how sudden he held you're throat.

Ghost Freak: "S-I-L-E-N-C-E C-H-I-L-D."

Ghost Freak then backhands you across the face and before long you can feel the sting that came from it's long finger blades hitting your face.

Once Ghost Freak leaves you begin talking to the other you to learn what had happened and he explains that when you first came into contact with the Corrodium traces of him started to reappear and they only got more frequent once they came into contact with the wolf and mummy.

And that once you came to this place it was like you flicked an on switch with in them as they started destroying and caging everything as Ghost Freak then appeared fully formed and remade in all his horrific glory.

Y/n: "Hey flameboy (A Heatblast then looks at you.) can you get free?"

It then spits on it's chains showing that they immediately fizzle out you then tell it to spit at you to see if it could have and after a long conversation it finally gave in and spat with all it's might at you're chains.

And to no ones surprise but you're own it didn't work and now you had a sizzling hand which then gave you an idea because of temporal fluctuations you told the Heatblast to start firing as fast as it could, and if this crazy plan worked you all may make it out.

After who knows how long of hearing and doing nothing but a rapid fire of slugs from Heatblast it finally ends when you all hear something break and when you look up you see that Heatblast was now free to do as he pleased.

Heatblast much to everyone's relief starts helping everyone get free of their bonds one by one until you and you're look alike are all that's left but instead of helping either of you they destroy the only way for either of you to get out.

Heatblast much to everyone's relief starts helping everyone get free of their bonds one by one until you and you're look alike are all that's left but instead of helping either of you they destroy the only way for either of you to get out

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(Reference for where you and you're duplicate are before it got destroyed.)

Y/n: "Hey! Don't go! Why are you doing this!?"

???: "LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLeave T T T TTT Them (Static) Were lone now."

Y/n: "What they is wrong with you're voice."

???: "Tack will R R R R Rest."

And after a very long and painful time of decoding what he was saying you found out that basically without either of you in control you're body was pretty much free game for everyone inside and that he was the thing keeping them in check for most of the time.

As time went on you're double got weaker and weaker and you knew soon it would be you're turn if you didn't do something so for the first time ever you followed Ben's lead and didn't think of anything and just do as you began forcing you're way out.

But alas nothing happens and you are still stuck chained to the chair and as you are sitting there you have a revelation and that was that everything that you had seen and experienced was all in your head and that this was you're body.

Meaning that no matter how hard the others fight you are still going to be you and no one else so you then begin focusing harder than you ever had before and after a long while you eventually get free from the chains and so does your double.

Y/n: "Thank you for everything you may rest now."

For the first time ever you can see you're double show emotion as it then become one with you again with a giant smile its face as you then begin cleaning up the clutter inside yourself as it was finally time to sort everything out.

When you walk out and about you see that all the different aliens were fighting against each other including the Kevin 11 bit you had gotten all that time ago and when they see you they all look to go in a rage and start charging at you when one of them yells.

??? Alien: "Get him!"

But unlike the last few times you had been there this time you were in control which meant that none of them could touch you as you were in control not them and the closer you got to the center of all you're powers you made the choice of giving everything up for now at least.

Unlike how it was before you began changing it to look more like a computer and as each and every bit of alien DNA was collected they all pleaded to be set free, and even though you felt a little bit bad about it none of them were real as they were all just parts of you that you left all alone.

And just like that the once chaotic land scape that was you're mind was now a baren land with vials of DNA, you continued working and modifying the mind and once you were done it looked like the lair of one of your favorite hero's and as you made sure everything was secure you made sure everything was locked away until you felt safe using them again.

Ben: "Hey I think he's waking up."

Y/n: "Ugh! Were? (You look around.) Are we?"

You hear the girls scream and when you look down you notice Sibella has firmly planted herself on you.

Grandpa Max: "It's a long story (Laughs)."

And with that my dear readers is the end with only 1 season left I hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

Also quick question do any of you want me to do Ken 10 or no let me know.

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