Pier Pressure

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Y/n: "How did it come to this?"

Saying that the camera pans out to show Ben and Julie both trying to drag him to where they want to go on the Pier screaming at each other as a crowd slowly but assuredly starts to swarm around them but to truly understand what happened lets go back in time a bit.

All of this mess was started by one simple knock on the door and as Y/n opens it he sees that Julie the girl in pink had invited him to meet at the Pier for what was most likely a date which was a little weird since he didn't tell her were he lived.

Y/n: "How'd you find where I lived?"

Julie: "(Pulls out phone) A friend of mine that knows a person who goes to your school told me where you lived."

Y/n: "(Leans on door) And you don't find any of this weird at all."

Julie: "It would be if I asked but they told me when they saw I was talking to you while also telling me to [Destroy that pompous know it all] when I meet you."

For others that might explain everything but for Y/n that meant nothing since almost everyone at his school besides the staff would love it if he either left or got hurt so he could be taken down a peg or two.

So with Julie finishing what she wanted to do leaves but not before giving Y/n some cookies that she was told a friend of his from school wanted him to have and with a polite smile on his face he takes the cookies with many thanks and waits for her to leave before he turns the cookies to char.

And as he waits for what ever remained to finally float away into the wind did he close his door but the second he started to walk away from his closed door he heard a second knock coming from his door and with a sigh he opened it up to see Ben standing there.

Y/n: "Sup (bro fist) so what brings you here traveler."

Ben: "Well I heard that Pier is fun and wanted to know if you wanted to go."

Y/n: "Sure why not when do we go?"

Ben: "Later on today till then (Kisses cheek) have fun bye."

Y/n: "Fffffuuu (Intro starts)."

(Cut back to Y/n inside his apartment) Y/n is now inside pacing back and forth since he just agreed to not just one date but two and with two women no less so he probably deserves an award for that but after calming down a bit he comes to the conclusion.

Y/n: "I can copy myself (finger points up)!"

And that's just what he does but before he can leave he has to get Sibella to let him go and be able to leave without taking her with him since knowing her the second she hears, smells, or sees any other girl coming towards him she's going to turn into a screeching mess which is something that would most likely ruin any date.

As Sibella cries her eyes out and holds Y/n down with all her might and even though she may not look it but she can very heavy when she wants to be like how she's acting right now in trying to make sure he doesn't leave without taking her with him.

Y/n: "(Sighs) If I promise to leave a copy of myself here will you let me go."

Sibella: "(Stops crying like a baby and thinks for a moment while sniffling) S-sure I guess that'll work."

Once he made a copy of himself Sibella went absolutely wild on both of them making it seem like this was something she really wanted to happen in every sense of the word and once it came time for one of him to leave she seemed a little sad but stopped herself from doing anything because she promised she would.

And even though Sibella knew her master was going to meet other women no matter how unhappy it made her she let him be since even though she would love to have him to her self everyday of the week if he wasn't happy then there would be point in keeping him.

Which brings us somewhat up to speed on how this happened but there's still a little bit of the story left to tell which was just two Y/ns enjoying their dates with Ben and Julie and he would have probably had a good time without either of them seeing each other.

But fate had other plans since an upgrade looking alien that looked somewhat like familiar to Y/n but couldn't really place where came and started attacking both Ben and him making the other Y/n try a lot harder to stop them from meeting each other since humans like to see carnage and destruction.

Eventually they managed to figure out that the thing was calling for help so what was once a normal date became a heroic date as they went to help while the normal date with Julie continued with Y/n trying his best to show off but hopefully not enough for her to know how unnormal he truly is.

Meeting up with a Galvanicmechamorph that wasn't Ben or Kevin was a weird experience to say the least but was interesting none the less and as Ben and Y/n helped it get free a side by side formed between what they were doing and similar activates that the other Y/n were doing at the Pier.

Lifting up pieces of metal to make room and drop them down like the strength test games, Pushing Chromostone hands into the dangerous force field to try and break it as Y/n and Julie try to find the correct strings to win certain prizes.

And once they both succeeded in what they were doing did his guard lower enough to were we return to the scene of the crime as the other Y/n was reabsorbed since Y/n felt like he wasn't needed anymore but boy was he wrong.

With no one to blame but himself Y/n had to stand there getting torn into two metaphorically this time and once they all got done fighting each other they then began fighting him and even though he didn't thing he was guilty from the half an hour talking he got from them made it seem like he was.

When they finally finished Julie picked up the dog like thing and started to walk away only to get stopped by Ben and Y/n.

Ben: "What do you think your doing?"

Julie: "Taking this poor little guy home."

Y/n: "Alright but do you even know what it is."

Julie: "No but I think it'll be fine with me instead of with you two."

Ben: "Why do you say that."

Julie: "I'm not an idiot I saw you and a different Y/n together and from how calm you both left its only safe to assume that neither of you have a normal life needed to take care of someone like him."

Y/n: "I have a pet bat."

Julie: "Alright but can you say that their a normal bat."

Ben: "No not really."

Julie: "(Picks up Ship and hold it) Well I'm a little angry at Ben crashing our date and you lying a bit but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt if you wanna meet up again."

Y/n: "I'd like that."

Julie: "(Whispers to Ben) And as much as I might not like it I think your pretty cool to hope we can be great friends one day (Runs off)."

Ben: "(Kicks random rock at her bitter loss and maybe new friendship) I'll see you later and I hope you never hide anything from me again were a team I want you to know that you can trust me."

Y/n: "I do and next time I'll do better (Starts flying towards his apartment) do better at hiding."

As much as he trust and cares for his friends, family, and loved ones he knows that it'll be easier taking down Vilgax as a normal human with nothing but swim trunks then not angering any of the girls he's with.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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