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While is taking care of some bad guys you and Gwen are talking about what they think it would be like to meet another alien and as you all make guess about what it would like you both then get tired of doing so as there would be to many aliens to know for sure and you both then try to guess whether they would be good or bad aliens.

After waking up the next day you hear Ben screaming even from outside the RV as you do your usual amount of training before going back inside as Max tells you all that you're all leaving the area right now and as all that happens you take a shower and get ready for the rest of the day.

And after getting out of the bathroom you see Ben had taken over Gwen's laptop and saying how she had no access since she was a loser before you closed the lid on him, but you could then feel Ben smirk as he found Gwen's Diary to which she got really angry at him for and before she could try and hurt him, he grew some legs to walk around as a computer with.

And as Ben then starts to read a bit of her Diary Max then tells him to knock it off before the Omnitrix times out and he goes back to being Ben while Max had weirded out the rest of you out at how he was acting.

And after a while you all see several fires coming from another city and as Ben tells Max about it to which Max tells them that the locals will take care of it before Ben decides to help them out and turns into Heat Blast and then takes off into the city to help everyone, he could.

After a while you all get to where Ben is and as you all see who Ben was facing you tell him with Gwen to get in saying even, he would have trouble beating that guy and as Ben refuses the watch then times out to which Ben is then forced to get back inside before Max then drives off faster than you had ever seen him drive before.

And as you all drive off Max tells Ben he does not want to face Vilgax much to everyone's wounder and confusion at how Max new that aliens name and as Max was about to tell you some drones then came and started to attack the Rust Bucket and after a while Ben then turns into Stink Fly before flying off to fight those Drones while ignoring Maxs warning not to fight with the Omnitrix.

While inside the RV you and Gwen see that Ben might need some help, but Max just says that they need to make it to Mount Rushmore being as vague as he has been all day to which you both just accept it as there must be something or someone special to help Ben out in his fight.

After a while you start seeing Mount Rushmore as Gwen asks if tourist are allowed to go where the way there going to which Max just replies that they're tenants before pressing a button as they reached a "ROAD CLOSED" sign as the ground shakes and they procced to move down into an underground facility.

And after you all get out and start walking around the area you start to feel a little pain but then you realize it was just Gwen holding you very tightly as her own stress ball at least at that moment in time while feeling a faint pleasant feeling and after Gwen had finally lost it with waiting for an answer Max then just turns around and says he was no ordinary plumber.

And after you all get out and start walking around the area you start to feel a little pain but then you realize it was just Gwen holding you very tightly as her own stress ball at least at that moment in time while feeling a faint pleasant feelin...

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And after you all get back inside the RV max then flips a switch saying that it's going to tell them were the Omnitrix is while also saying that what grabbed earlier was a weapon designed to take down Vilgax and only Vilgax before telling Gwen to help him navigate to where Ben is.

And after a while of you just doing nothing but being a cheerleader to help both Max and Gwen you all finally reach Vilgax's ship as Max smiles when Gwen asks how they were going to get in and after he presses another button the RV turns into a battering ram, and they fly into the ship because of it with the help of a nearby cliff.

After you all get out of the RV Max then fires the big gun at Vilgax while saying to stay away from Ben as Vilgax just screams out his last name before getting hit by the laser as you run over and try to help get Ben free, he then starts to shift after a yellow bolt of electricity comes out of the device holding the Omnitrix before one stray bolt hits you and causes you a lot of pain but not enough to bass out and you start to see Ben shift into all of his different alien forms.

And as the fighting goes on much to every one's surprise, they see a bolt of fire come out from your direction with fire coming from your entire arm as they could see you barley hold on as with Ben you are now somehow shifting between the different abilities of all the different aliens that Ben had in his Omnitrix before you then passed out as it then became to much for you to handle all at once.

And as the fighting goes on much to every one's surprise, they see a bolt of fire come out from your direction with fire coming from your entire arm as they could see you barley hold on as with Ben you are now somehow shifting between the differen...

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(How it would kind of look but as a ten-year-old in pain and this is from Versatile Magician I recommend cause it cool.)

And when you "woke up" you were in the other plane again but this time it was very different and looked to be more solid and you came across the you with the symbols all over it telling you in a more computer like fashion that "DNA reconstruction has reached 50% transfer abilities has been acquired user limit detected abilities only viable at 10% before host body is destroyed recommended more genetic samples to be acquired for more stability and access."

And before you could say anything you then truly woke up to see that Mount Rushmore was destroyed and that everyone was asking questions that you could not answer for the time being, but everyone was just happy that you were safe while you also felt the safe for the time being.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed the first season of this series and when it is done, I will be updating it a bit on somethings and if any of you could guess what I will be adding that would be amazing but until then stay safe and peace.

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