The Mother of All Vreedles

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In the middle of the city stands Y/n and Ben as the two are taking part in a little mother to mother meeting between all three of their mothers and how they just want everything to go the way they want them to for all their kids.

With Ma Vreedle wanting all her little clone good babies to stay that way along with maybe her no good sons getting the best treatment they could at the Plumber academy to Ben and Y/n's mothers hoping their kids could get into good colleges and find actual jobs that don't risk their lives.

Meanwhile both destructive Vreedle brothers along with Be and Y/n are stuck between all three women with each of them wishing to die as Kevin and Gwen are trying their best to make sure their own mothers don't get wind of this and force the to join too!

The pair of mothers talk and everything seems to be going smooth until everything doesn't as Ma Vreedle starts her device that would turn the earth into a dumpster fire or whatever she had in store for it with the only thing they did know was that the earth would be destroyed if she got her way.

Both Y/n and Ben try to convince Ma Vreedle to not do it as they both know what it's like to be mother's/fathers as well thanks to the little Necrofrigians that they had created or rather that Ben had created while Y/n knows he's going to have a lot of kids later in life and how to treat at least his grandkids.

This however doesn't work at all as Ma Vreedle either couldn't care less about these teen parents think of her or how she treats her kids and whatever hurt them!

Sbillea then appears and tries her best to convince the woman in her half human half bat form to try and get her to understand a little better about what it would mean if she did but while Ma Vreedle seems to care at least a little bit more about what she has to say in the end it doesn't even matter either.

All of this somehow gets even worse however once you realize that both Ben and Y/n's mothers were still there and that they were inside some little pods as even though Ma Vreedle could be heartless at most times she still felt the need to at least talk to someone about how stupid her and their children could be.

Making things a bit worse for Y/n however was when Sibella was thrown into another one of them containers along with the other mothers as Ma Vreedle continues her little plan she had in the making for earth's "retribution" as she called it.

Ma Vreelde: "(Sees the machine change a bit) Ah blasted it all, If I knews this tin can waz gonna be so slow I'd have gotten the delux version! Since that oncze can at least give mez a mazzage whilst I wait for this rock to end."

Apparently this thing was operating at a space version of windows 97 or something similar to it as an entire hour had passed and it probably went up by like one percent from either its system or the earth being bigger than whatever it was normally supposed to handle.

Seeing this both Y/n and Ben began to do everything in their own respective powers to try and stop Ma Vreedle from dooming both earth and quite possibly taking their mothers and Sibella away to who knows where.

Along with the fact that she quite possibly planned to clone both of them for however long she felt like staying friends with both their mothers and also who knows what countless cloning of someone might do to a person.

Heck look at the Vreedle brothers and you'd know that they are as dumb as someone who can both pilot a spaceship and create chemical explosions from anything that can be exploded. Knowing that there had to have been a time when they weren't as dumb and could have actually been something or done something to make their lives better than they actually were.

Now imagine that but with Ben or someone with the Omnitrix or even Y/n who was an actual living Omnitrix without the need of a dial for anything other than keeping his DNA intact to the point that if you find a way for him to still be him completely without a need for a DNA stabilizer than you'd have the best and fiercest weapon in the galaxy!

Neither Ben nor Y/n really wanted to see whatever future they imagined to be true so the two of them did everything they could to fight back against Ma Vreedle and save earth once again for who knows at this point.

Y/n goes above as Ben attacks her from the side and the two get body slammed into one another as this most defiantly ain't Ma Vreedles first rodeo with any sort of law and it certainly doesn't help that neither of them are fully grown yet in both their way's of fighting and just in general.

It was at this point however that both mothers seemed to have enough of this and started their usual commanding tone with each of their own kids but this time at Ma Vreedle who has probably never been talked to like this before and seems to honestly quite enjoy it.

The mothers then get released from their little prisons as Ma Vreedle then agrees to shut her device down but ONLY on the condition that she, the mothers, and sometimes Sibella can all meet up every now and again to have a nice chat like mothers in her favorite magazine seemed to have.

This of course causes both Ben and Y/n to wish for death once again as they already know they are going to be forced to once again be apart of their mothers little play dates but this time if they knew they were going to be sent to hell as it were they were going to bring in more victims along the way.

Both Y/n and Ben then talk about how all their friends must be feeling left out from such events especially their mothers that already have a hard enough time relaxing at home without worrying about them and other such things to get them to agree with damming their friends to joining them.

Y/n and Ben's plans work very well... probably a bit to well as instead of once a month they now talk about whatever once every week or so causing every teen to be forced to sit around where they all meet up and sit there not being able to do anything but talk to one another as almost all of them are pissed at one another for being the cause of them being here.

All while both Ben and Y/n subtly fist bump each other every time they come as they enjoy watching all their friends be in misery instead of them with the occasional fights between even the two here and there as all the mothers ignore whatever they do and enjoy themselves.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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