What the Hay?

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Y/n had gotten called all the way to a farm that he had once visited along with Ben and Gwen on their family summer trip across the country and all of that but forget all of that for a bit since this didn't have anything to do with that... probably?

To Y/n's knowledge... well he doesn't really have any because Sibella decided one day to run away at what could be considered a light jog version of flight as she made sure Y/n was following her towards the place.

Is there even a reason? Who knows because only Sibella does and she has yet to turn into her human form or speak any language that Y/n could speak... which might have something to do with her being in her half beast state for the first time since practically forever.

Since she stopped even making a passing mark in that form and just went from bat to human as she hated being different to Y/n which were her words when Y/n eventually asked her on her reason as to why she did so in the first place.

But its not like she's ever done anything and explained it to Y/n whenever he tried to ask her what the heck had happened or where she had went when she decided to leave for at least a two days but at most a week of her just having a little spa day or whatever the heck she was up to.

Anyway as soon as they both got to the area Sibella seemed to be going towards were the old Digby Dairy factory that has understandably gone abandoned over the years and seemed to have been turned into a local hotspot for the youngins as they say what with all the spray paint markings, abandoned... well everything you could imagine. 

Y/n: "This sure brings back memories (looks at a wall dripping with something) some not so old but still old none the less (makes his hand on fire along with a baseball sized ball of fire) now where the heck did this crazy lady fly off to?"

Walking through the building Y/n almost falls into the remade hole of where the Corrodium had been storied and taken from by that Mummy creature... either that or someone or time had made more than one hole and if that were the case Y/n prays harder than ever that it was nothing more than the floor giving way after its second round with father time.

What made it even worse was the fact that the entire time he was hearing splashing sounds with it being a deeper hole than he could have imagined... like some farm kid must have made this thing because it took him a second to fall in but it took five for the fire ball to land.

Seeing no real way out Y/n made his other arm that of Gloops and used it like a grapple hook on the ceiling or the floor or the wall. At the point he was at their was no real concern for where or what he hit so long as it was something solid enough that it could help him get out of there.

When he got out of the hole Y/n didn't waste any time and just burned his entire body with fire and then used Big-Chill's breath to bring him back to normal temperature as a form of sanitizing his sanity and his body because screw that and screw walking the rest of the way as Y/n made Stinkfly wings and began flying around.

Now that he doesn't have to worry about the ground Y/n makes a thin goop barrier around him that would prevent anything from touching him within 5ft radius but even that isn't really safe enough for him to trust as he has a layer before that made of just fire that burns anything that comes close to him.

Thankfully before anything worse happens to him he finds Sibella but instead of it being a happy reunion he is instead reunited with the weird energy people who from the looks of it seemed to have taken over the area like last time and were making others produce anything that had at 1% of Corrodium energy inside them.

Blue Girl: "(Holding Sibella by the throat) Ahh look boys we got us the rat that turned our whole operation up to those Plumber freaks."

Green Boy: "(Classic snitch with a cold sound as he clicks his tongue like a nervous tick kind of way) Yea and from the look on his face I think its safe to say he cares about little miss ugly!"

Orange man: "Hmm (grabs hold of Sibella as Blue girl throws her at him) Should I "take care" of her like the others boss?"

Blue Girl: "(Annoyed look on her face) What do you think!? (See's him confused) OF COURSE YOU PUT HER WITH THE OTHERS!"

Just as the Orange Man started to walk away Y/n speed towards them [A/n here kind of like Kevin in the OG episode] and grabbed her out his hands and put her on the ground before rushing back and punching him in the face as hard as he could.

Orange Man: "Tickles."

Hearing that very much annoyed Y/n so without really thinking he put Way-big and Humungousaur DNA along with a big of Diamond-head toughness just to further make a point of it hopefully feeling like someone just got hit by a meteor directly at their face. 

And all of that happened in a matter of seconds so even if it didn't hurt as hard as Y/n was wanting at the very least the guy would be sent flying like he just got shot out of a cannon which did happen and seemed to frighten the others with Y/n very quickly picking up on that.

Not even wanting to give them a second to understand or comprehend what just happened Y/n seemed to teleport behind the green guy and by fusing Kevin, Spark, and a dash of Darkstar DNA he's managed to make a vortex thing where he could drain others of their powers as he absorbed Blue Girls energy and then shoot it out at Green guy.

The Green Guy seemed to dodge it fairly well but he couldn't really dodge a speedy kick to the face just as fast when he was starting to mouth off and everything without even thinking that they were in a fight with everything on the line for both of them.

Seeing that they were all for the most part down and out Y/n dragged both of them towards the hole he had fallen into earlier and moved a piece of solid... well anything over the hole and then began stacking it to the point it looked like it was a pillar keeping everything from falling.

Once that was finished Y/n ran as fast as he could over to Sibella who wasn't were he placed her and as he looked around he saw that she limping towards a giant ball of energy with a bunch of people of varying ages all inside cells that would make the iron maiden blush from looks alone.

Y/n: "(Holding onto Sibella) Hold on I got you everything's going to be alright (brushes both her hair and fur) just stay put alright can you do that for me?"

Sibella: "(Weakly nods head.)"

Y/n calls forth a clone and without even looking or really seeming to care Y/n drained the clone of its energy and placed it inside of Sibella hoping that it would act as a medkit and heal her because she looked paler than her human form and wasn't talking which neither seemed to be a good sign.

This kept going for a long while to the point that even the original Y/n was starting to get doozy with his Omnitrix necklace thing flashing red like it was about to die... or maybe it was telling him that he was about to if he kept going. But that didn't really matter since their was one clone of Y/n that was taking care of everything else as he called the Plumbers and put the Orange man inside one of the cages after finding him seemingly high or in so much pain that he started acting high.

After that was taken care of he looked around and saw what looked to be the main power device seeing as how everything looked to be hooked up to the giant energy ball in the center of the room that was bright enough for it to be easily confused to be the sun!

And not seeing any real way to stop the thing Y/n just started absorbing the energy inside and blasting at anything that looked like it was connected to the thing or anything that didn't seem plausible for a human to make or have a hand in making it.

With the end product being the entire place later breaking down into what you would usually get after sweeping your house up for spring cleaning, but forget all of that because Sibella was fine and for the second time Y/n was responsible for putting these three energy draining idiots back to the null void.

And after a long time of resting and relaxing both Sibella and Y/n were eventually back to being normal again... well as normal as these two weirdos could be anyway with only one slight difference and that being that Sibella now had a bat mark on her body.

Where I say is up to your imagination but I will state that no it does not mean that she has powers like Y/n or Umbra all it means is that their is now a tiny part of Y/n forever inside her from the amount of clones that were used to keep her up and alive with the only effect being it made her transforming a lot easier or so she says at least.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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