The Ultimate Sacrifice

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As Ben wakes up inside an unfamiliar environment she tries to understand what the heck happened along with where she was and how she got there in the first place but anytime she tried to recall she got flashes of Ultimate Humungousaur, Spider-Monkey, Cannon-bolt, and Big-Chill. 

All of whom had red eyes instead of the normal green eyes that usually come with her turning into those power house's of men that she's been turning into every since she got the Omnitrix since it apparently didn't understand she was female or was broken and couldn't tell the difference.

So of course Ben thinks that Albedo had something to do with this as he was the only person she knew that could turn into her aliens as well but with red eyes instead along with him being the only person she knows that's evil enough to kidnap her to place her in this weird world of circuits and moving objects.

The strangest thing about the place would have to be just how fast it seemed while also feeling like it was nothing more than a giant hallway that was trying to get her to go one direction and that was towards the big ball of green light that may or may not be super dangerous.

Eventually Ultimate Humungousaur appears by way of crash landing right in front of her as the big lug switches to his rockets and starts blasting as Ben with everything he's got while Ben tries to find her Ultimatrix but can't seem to find it as she gets another headache even worst than the last.

Ultimate Humungousaur: "Free US!!!"

Ben: "(Panting as she holds her head while also pushing her hair back a bit) What do you mean!?"

Ben ran as far as she could as the world around her moved into odd shapes with two rectangular walls slamming into Ultimate Humungousaur with him not even getting a scratch from it or anything as he just stops them from moving as he continues making his way towards Ben like the terminator.

After seeing that Ben just kept running but this time with more ump in her steps as she legs it out of there to the point that she thought her heart, lungs, and feet all wanted her dead as her head started hurting again as flashes of a red eyed Ultimate Humungousuar tried to attack her friends before it's eyes turned green?

Ben: "What the heck is happening?"

Ben then hears something rumbling in the distance and barely manages to dodge out of the way as a rumbling Ultimate Cannon-Bolt crashes into the wall right where she was standing before, as it slowly backs away and opens itself up once again and looks around before locking onto Ben and rolling to attack her once again.

Jumping out of the way for a second time Ben rushes towards the flow of green energy as her other Ultimate forms appear with Ultimate Echo-Echo appears and begins blasting his sound wall with Ben barely being able to hear something inside.

Ultimate Echo-Echo's Sound Wall: "FreeeUs...."

Again they want her to free them like they were being held against there will and when Ben stumbled into Big Chill's cool, lanky arms she began to wonder if they were all like Ghostfreak when she was a kid and that they were sentient creatures forced to live inside her Ultimatrix.

Realizing this Ben's head starts to hurt once again but this time like someone was banging it like a gong in a Chinese restaurant that allows kids, and as Ben screams out in pain she remembers what happened and where she was.

What happened was an entire week where whenever she went ultimate, heck even when she didn't go ultimate she would then be forced to do so like when Big Chill was taking over to have her, his, its? babies with every time it happened resulting in Ben attempting or almost hurting her friends.

It got so bad that when Ben was enjoying some shall we say alone time with Y/n at her house as she had gotten the new Sumo Slammers game and ordered some Chili fries before realizing that she was board out of her mind and called up Y/n.

If anything else happened besides the gamming and chili fries eating contest neither of them were about to say but it was very obvious that something had happened when Y/n started describing how odd Ben's choice of clothing was at the time before Ben elbowed him in the ribs.

When she went Ultimate without wanting to and would destroyed a bit of her house and most of her room along with Y/n saying that a bit of him hurt when Gwen and Kevin arrived as Y/n was trying his best to calm down Ultimate Humungousuar by attacking him with Big Chill's breath and frozen flames.

Having had enough of this Gwen, Kevin, and Y/n all went off to a place that was far enough from the city so that they could get to the bottom of this which resulted in them finding out a bit more about Ultimate Humungousaur's upbringing in life that the Ultimatrix had made for him thanks to its sole purpose and function.

It was a bit weird however when Ben would start talking with her green eyes appearing right before the conscious from the body takes over as the eyes go red and starts listing off the atrocities that had occurred on its simulated home world. 

After awhile Gwen uses her magic to try and fix things before everything eventually goes all pink for Ben and that's when she woke up in what she could only guess to be the inside of the Ultimatrix and that all the Ultimates she had faced where real and they all wanted OUT!

Big Chill then drops Ben in front of every Ultimate alien she had as they were standing near the glowing Green energy pit of abyss or whatever it might have been called as all of them desire her to jump in and free them from their eternal prison.

Before Ben could make a decision however Gwen appeared right in front and warned her not to do so as she may actually die if she jumped in and there was no way for Gwen or anyone to save her if she did so.

Ben: "Don't worry (tears in her eyes) this is how every hero meets their end eventually..."

Ben then turns around to face her aliens as she then starts T-posing before falling into what could very well be her death if there was even a chance of error in stopping her and the rest of them from becoming free before hand.

Thankfully however everyone lived as the aliens and Azmuth seemed to make some form of peace as Azmuth rewired, tweaked, or whatever it is that he does with the thing to make it to where this would never happen again as next time she goes Ultimate every single one of them would just be another form of her and nothing more.

Ben: "Hey Azmuth about the gender thing, think you could get that fixed at some point?"

And with a smile Azmuth shut his space ship and flew off at the speed of light as Ben just sat there wondering if Azmuth was having fun with her in his own weird little way or not as everyone helped Ben up while Y/n seemed to have disappeared as well...

With everyone eventually finding the man a solid month later as he appeared to have just returned from Nam or some sort of war from the scars, burses, and dark circles under his eyes as Y/n just sat right down next to Ben and Julie as he fell asleep between the both of them with a great big smile on his face.

When he woke up Y/n either didn't remember or wasn't telling for some reason about what he went through and from the sounds of it from Umbra and Joshua's little shared girlfriend inner circle the three of them seemed to be up to something or were up to something...

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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