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Yosuke's POV:

"Hey, you guys!!" Rise calls as she walks up to us. She grabs a chair and pulls it toward our table - our usual table - on the roof of Junes.

"Hey, Rise-chan," Chie chuckles, sipping at her shake. "I was beginning to think you weren't coming."

"What, you really think I'd miss Senpai's train?" She raises an eyebrow playfully.

That's right... He's coming back to Inaba for the year.

We kept in touch a lot while he was back in the city, but... he's actually going to be here.

It's been so long since I've seen him face-to-face. I've missed having my best friend around, lately.

But... I guess I'm kinda anxious about seeing him again.

Talking to him online is way different than in person. Online, I feel like I can be myself without having to worry about his facial reactions, you know? I can make a fool out of myself, and it'll all blow over.

Things feel different now, though. Thinking about him sort of makes my heart jump. The stillness of his voice always breaks me into a smile; his overgrown bangs always blowing into his face never fails to make me laugh.

It's weird how I can remember those things so vividly, I guess. That's our friendship, though.

I try to convince myself that nothing has changed, but... I feel a tinge in my stomach. He's gonna notice everyone else before me, isn't he?

Everyone else is so excited to see him. I am, too, but... There's this kind of reluctance lingering inside of me.

"Ooh, I can't wait for Sensei to arrive!" Teddie squeals. "I have so much to tell him!"

"Yeah, yeah, calm your balls, bear," Kanji scoffs.

"Do you think he missed us?" Yukiko asks.

"Oh, absolutely!" Rise smiles.

"Maybe some more than others," Naoto glances at her.

"Hey, c'mon, or we're gonna miss him!" Chie exclaims, already out of her seat, running away from us.

"Shit, you're right. Let's go, guys." Kanji chases after her.

"Here I come, Sensei!!"


Yu's POV:

I can already see my friends waiting at the train station. We've all been through a lot together.

Naoto still works as a detective, I presume, due to her well-presented manner, and not looking any different than the last time I saw her.

Kanji still looks like his old punk self. Maybe he's changed, though. Maybe they all have. His shirt still seems as intimidating as ever, which matches his false tattoo, which, suprisingly, seems to be larger than it was last time. Ah, Kanji. He's not a bad guy. Not a punk at heart.

Chie is still in her training uniform, hands on her hips, watching my train slow down. Her hair has grown ever so slightly, but it is still the same style as a year ago.

Yukiko runs her family's inn now, or so I've heard from the news. I'm happy for her. She, too, is dressed well, with her hair tied back, rather than flowing.

Teddie is still the same old Teddie. I wouldn't trade him for the world. I suppose he's given up his bear costume, because it isn't anywhere in sight. He's waving at me, his eyes lighting up. I wave back with a small smile.

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