Can Someone Use Charmdi?

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Yosuke's POV:

"A-ahh, my ass hurts," I groan, stumbling to my feet. "Geez, I'll never get used to that..."

"Do you need help?" Giichi runs to me in an instant.

"Help...?" I frown. "For... my ass?"

"I mean, I could always-"

"Teddie, give him the glasses," Yu interrupts, deliberately standing between us.

"Ba-ta-da-ba!" Teddie reveals a pair of white rimmed glasses, handing them to Giichi.

"I- I'm sorry, this all feels a bit surreal..." He murmurs, taking a look around in his new glasses.

"Yeah, we all thought that the first time," Kanji shrugs. "Alright, let's go."

"H-hey, woah, where are we going now?!" He says in a panic.

"Follow me," Rise says, walking on ahead.

"U-uh, Kujikawa-san... Th- there's something above you..."

"Hm?" She turns. "Oh, that's Himiko. Anyways, let's go."

"Yosuke?" Giichi nudges me. "Who's... Himiko-san?"

"That's just her Persona," I shrug.

"Do try to keep up," Naoto sighs.

"We all have Personas, too," Yukiko says.

"Oh, yeah?" He grins. "Can you show me yours, Yosuke?"

"I, uh... why?"

"I just wanna look at him," he smirks.

"Quit flirting with my brother," Shin grunts, trudging past us.

"I- I don't think he was-" I stutter.

Giichi only laughs. "I think he's jealous."

"Of me?"

"Yeah," he shrugs. "I mean, after Narukami cheated on him-"

"Shut the fuck up!" Shin snaps back around, threatening Giichi with his fist in the sky.

"Shin!" I yell.

"Back down." Yu grabs his arm, pulling it back. "He isn't worth your time."

"Giichi, that was out of order," I mumble.

"Isn't it the truth?"

"Just mind your own business."


Yu's POV:

"You're right," Shin sighs. "I told you not to let him get to you, but he's only getting to me."

"He's got a way with words," I shrug. "I'll give him that."

"...I don't like the thought of Miura being so... 'buddy-buddy' with Yosuke."

"Yeah, well, neither do I," I scoff.

He frowns. "Something's definitely... off about him."

"It's fine," I sigh. "Yosuke's not stupid. He'll be fine."

"Yeah," he nods. "Right."

"How much further?" Miura groans, loud enough for all the passing Shadows to hear.

"Man up," Chie scoffs.

"My legs ache," he whines.

"Let me guess," I say. "You want Yosuke to carry you?"

"Would that be too much of a hassle?" He turns to Yosuke with a devilish smile.

"No offence, Giichi, but you're, like, twice my size," he mutters.

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