Let Go

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Yu's POV:

I help him to his feet, and laugh a little at the pigment in his cheeks.

"Glad you have this thing." I pull on the zip-up jacket he's wearing.

"Yeah," he shivers. "Me, too."

I zip it up for him, waving his hands out of the way.

"I'm not five," he sighs.

"Yeah?" I squeeze his fingers. "So your hands aren't numb?"

He presses his fingers together and groans. "Fine."

"Alright, let's head off," I smile.

As we walk back along the food plain, I brush my fingers up against his. More for me than for him. I just... I'm just glad to be so close to him.

After a little while of teasing him, I fit my hand into his.

He holds it like his life depends on it, pressing his fingers into my knuckles.

"What time?" He asks, trying to break the silence. "Is his party, I mean."

"We haven't really decided yet," I say. "Just whenever you'd like after school."

"Alright," he nods. "What should I get him?"

"Yosuke, he's a grown man; I don't think he wants anything in particular for his birthday."

"Well it'd be rude just to come with no gift."

"Just give him money."

"But that's lame! I wanna get him something meaningful."

"Partner, he's my uncle, not yours. You don't have to make it memorable."

He grins a little. My guess is because I called him partner. It's been so long.

"Okay, well, what're you and Nanako-chan getting him?" He smiles.

"Well, Nanako and I saved up our money to buy him this expensive watch. She said he's been wanting it for ages."

"Aw, you got him a joint gift?"

"Nanako said she was going to pay for it herself, but she was a couple thousand yen off."

"You're a great brother. She's lucky to have you."

"I'm glad she has me," I admit. "I never really knew how amazing it would be to have a sibling."

"Well, amazing for some," he frowns.

"...Hey, what's up with you and Shin...?" I ask. I feel rude to ask, but I know something's bothering him.

"It's nothing," he shakes his head.

"Please," I sigh. "You can talk to me."

"...Not about stuff like this, okay?" He says. "Can we talk about something else?"

"Yeah... Yeah, of course," I look downward.

I guess I'm a little hurt. I mean, after tonight expecially, I thought we'd finally put things out in the open.

...I suppose he hasn't really come to terms with it himself. He looks as though he's thinking about why he hates Shin; his thoughts on repeat. But he doesn't say a word.

I understand. I know he'll tell me when he's ready.


Yosuke's POV:

We're just turning the corner to reach my house, when I suddenly remember something.


"What?" He turns to face me.

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