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Yu's POV:

"A... friendly reminder that those of you who did not finish the project will have a detention today after school," our homeroom teacher grunts.

"Woah. Finally grew a pair, huh?" Yosuke leans forward, whispering into my ear.

"A pair of what?"

"Balls," he scoffs.

"Ahem, excuse you, Hanamura," he growls. "I hope you know that you and Narukami are on this list."

"What?!" Yosuke frowns. "Th- that's... so not fair!"

"You had a deadline," our sensei shrugs. "Next time, hopefully you'll meet it."

"Dammit," he sighs. "Completely forgot about that."

"We had a lot on," I admit.

"A lot, hm?" Sensei scoffs. "It's about time you start prioritizing your studies, Narukami."

"Nobody gives a shit about constellations anyway," Shin yawns.

"Watch your language, Hanamura-san," he grumbles. "They are very important, I will have you know."

"And when will we actually use this knowledge?" Yosuke asks snarkily.

"That's..." He shakes his head. "Be lucky I didn't set you a math assignment, okay?!"

"We were all in Tokyo," I point out. "How could we have done it then?"

"You've had plenty of time before that."

"Bullshit," Yosuke whispers.

"Don't worry, boys," he continues. "You'll have company."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask.

"Hanamura-san?" He turns to Shin.

"What?" He grunts.

"Hiro-kun admitted to me that you refused to participate in this project," he murmurs. "He did all the work, but where were you?"

"That bastard seriously–?!"

"Shut your mouth," Sensei snaps. "You will be joining these two after school today."

"Okay," he grumbles. "Fine."

"And, you know what? You three can clean up this classroom when you're done."

"But, sir–" I object.

"Everyone else can have a breather during cleaning time," he announces.

Why is he being such a dick suddenly? Geez, now I know never to cross him on an astrology topic. Yikes.


"Let's talk." I put my hand on Shin's desk at lunch break, gathering his attention.

"Damn, sorry, Yu," he shrugs, standing up. "Gotta train."

"Woah, calm down," I frown.

"Listen, let's talk later, okay? I'm gonna head back to the gym now."

"You're getting into this way too much," I scoff.

"You need my help," he says. "And I won't let you down."

"I know you won't," I sigh. "But you're going too far."

He shakes his head. "I'll do whatever it takes to make things right."

"So when are you going to have time for me?"


"Shin, I've needed to talk to you for ages, and you keep shutting me down."

"We can talk later," he repeats.

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