I Can't Be What You Need

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Yu's POV:

"There aren't any left," I say, sticking my head into the fridge.

"Oh, for real?" Yosuke calls from behind me, laying on the couch, reading some magazine he found earlier. "Damn. Bummer."

"You want me to go get some?" I stand up, turning my head toward him.

"Aww, really?" He chuckles. "Thanks, partner. You rock."

"...Uh..." I mumble, closing the fridge, making my way over to him. "I, um... I'll need to go to Junes."

"Oh," he says flatly, abruptly closing the magazine and laying it on his chest.

"You know what? It's fine. There's another store not far out of town that sells them," I smile.

"Dude, don't be stupid," he sighs, sitting upright. "Just go to Junes. It's called a convenience store for a reason." He smiles weakly.

"...Are you sure?" I frown, sitting on the arm of the sofa.

"Yeah," he shrugs.

"...Okay," I breathe. "I'll be around an hour."

"Hey, wait..."


"Can I... come with you?" He swallows

"...Yeah, of course."

"Th-thanks..." He fidgets with his hands. "I- I don't wanna be left alone."

"Yosuke," I smile.

"Plus, I wanna see Ted... I need to make sure he's okay."

I nod. "You're a great brother."

"M-me?" He splutters. "Yeah, right! You're the best brother around here."

"You just don't wanna admit that he's grown on you," I smirk.

"He's basically a pet," he scoffs, crossing his arms.

"Hey, don't act all high and mighty with me," I chuckle, sliding down beside him.

"...Okay. Maybe I do love him," he sighs.

"Of course you do." I nudge his arm with mine.

"But he can be a real pain in the ass sometimes."

"Poor guy," I chuckle.

"And... Well, I love you more, so..."

"Am I supposed to be flattered?" I tease.

"U-uh..." He mumbles.

"'Cause I am," I smirk, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Y-yeah..." He gasps, his body immediately becoming tense.

"Chill," I laugh, intertwining my fingers with his.

"I'm totally chill."


"D-dude... You're just... super close..."

"I'm always close," I chuckle. "You just get more and more flustered each time."

"I- I'm sorry, okay!?" He scoffs. "I'm just... not used to this level of affection. Especially from you."

"It's alright," I smile. "If you want me to dial it back a little, just say the word."

"N-no... I don't..." He murmurs.

"Okay, enough of this," I smile, standing up before helping him to his feet. "We have an errand to run."

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