Deal With A Demon

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Yu's POV:

"Wait... I thought we hated Miura-kun?" Rise frowns, opening her bento box.

"We do," Yosuke sighs.

"Not that you knew," Chie snickers.

"Hey, the ice rink thing was an honest mistake!" She scoffs.

"Why are we involving him?" Naoto shakes her head. "He'll only slow us down."

"That is why..." I mutter. "We... will protect him."

"...Oh, I'm sorry, are you serious?" Yukiko asks, genuinely confused.

"Come on, guys," Kanji says. "We all hate the guy, but we've obviously got some kinda plan, right, Yu?"

"Yeah," I nod.

"...So, what is this brilliant plan?" Shin cocks his head.

"All will be revealed," Yosuke shrugs, fitting his hand into mine.

I swallow hard, glancing at Shin.

"Bore-ing," Teddie yawns.

"Is it some sort of secret?" Naoto frowns.

"Not at all," I say. "It's just... hard to explain."

"I see..."

"But, don't worry," Yosuke smiles. "He has no idea where we're going."

"...Isn't that just deceiving him?" Chie asks.

"W-well, yeah, but-"

"He thinks he's going to meet Hana. And thats exactly where he's going to go," I shrug.

"What does she want with him, though?" Kanji murmurs.

"No idea," Yosuke sighs. "Shin, think you might remember somethin'?"

"Hm?" He snaps out of his trance from staring at Yosuke's hand in mine.

"You okay, dude?" Yosuke frowns.

"S-sorry," he swallows.

I look away quickly.

I shouldn't feel so guilty about this.

He shouldn't make me feel so guilty about this.

"Uh, I don't know." He wipes his hands down his thighs. "No clue. She's never mentioned him before to me."

"Maybe he's a client?" Yukiko suggests.

"They wouldn't get that personal though, would they?" Chie says.

"Ughhh, I'm hungry," Teddie groans, feeling his stomach. "Let's eat!"

"We're not finished talking yet," Rise scoffs.

"No," I shake my head. "Teddie's right. We have to stock up on energy for this afternoon."

"For real," Yosuke nods.

We each open our lunches, and begin eating.

"What's wrong, Chie-senpai?" Kanji cocks his head. She isn't eating at all.

"Hm?" She swallows. "Oh, nothin'! Just... not hungry."

"Not hungry?" Yosuke grins. "Dude, you're always hungry!"

She doesn't respond.

"Hey, back off," Yukiko snaps. "She'll eat when she's ready." Chie smiles at her, resting her head on her shoulder.

"Just make sure you have something in you, okay?" I smile.

"Yeah," Kanji nods. "You need to keep fit."

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