Momma's Boy

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Yu's POV:

He doesn't say anything; he just sits beside me on the bench. He has both his legs and arms crossed. A classic Yosuke pose.

I want him to go to class - to leave me. But, at the same time, I want him to stay. I want him to stay as long as possible. I don't want to part from him.

"Hey, Yosuke?" I finally break the silence, glancing over to him from the corner of my eye.

"Yeah, partner?" He smiles lightheartedly.

"Why do you...?" I trail off, feeling sluggish. My voice begins to slur.

"Woah, hey, are you alright?" He asks, quickly getting out of his seat, crouching in front of me to hold me upright.

"I'm fine," I cough, holding my head.

"Goddamnit, Yu," he sighs. "Let's go inside, okay?"

"I... don't wanna," I murmur.

"Aw, c'mon. Don't make me carry you," he teases.

"I wouldn't mind," I mumble back. I don't even realize I do, it just sort of comes out. I know he heard it, though. His cheeks briefly turn pink, but he shakes himself out of it, forcing a laugh.

"Let's go, Yu," he says, walking away.

When he notices I'm not following, he turns around.

I hold my hand out for him.

"Seriously, dude?!" He whines. "God, you're such a kid."

I feel dizzy. But he takes my outstretched hand, and pulls me from the bench.

"Okay, for real, this time," he says. "Let's go," and he tries to let go of my hand, but I don't let him. "Yu..." I can hear the embarrassment from his voice.

"Please, partner," I whisper. And I tumble slightly.

"Shit, Yu..." He quickly moves his hand from mine, and places my arm around his shoulder, so he acts as my stand. "C'mon, now, help me out, here," he laughs a little, trying to lighten the mood.


Yosuke's POV:

After what feels like forever, I enter the main school building, with Yu slung around my shoulders.

"C'mon, now, Yu," I heave.

"Am I that heavy?" He whines.

"More like too much damn muscle," I chuckle.

"Oh, you noticed?" He murmurs slightly.

"No," I quickly reply. He laughs a little. "Now, let's get to class."

"I don't really want to," he says.

"Yu, come on, man. We gotta," I sigh.

"I'm all wet and sick," he coughs.

"So, what do you propose we do?" I cock my head, standing him upright.

"We could just hang out," he smiles a little.

"Hang out where? If we get caught, we're screwed."

"Not here," he whispers. I don't know whether the whisper is intentional, or it's the only way he can get his words out.

"Okay, fine," I give in. "Let's go to Junes, okay?"

"Junes?" He chuckles lightly, his eyes closing every now and then.

"How're you tired?" I ask. "You slept like an angel last night--"

"An angel?" He smiles.

"Sh- shuddup! Y'know what I mean," I look away, making him laugh even more. "Sh, keep it down, otherwise someone's gonna find us."

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