No Care In The World

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Yu's POV:

The final bell rings to signify the end of the day. Everyone picks up their things to get ready to leave.

"Hey," Shin smiles, standing in front of my desk. "You ready to go?"

I nod at him, collecting my things.

"Hey," Chie says. "Mind if we tag along?"

"Of course not," Shin chuckles. "The more the merrier, right?"

"I'll see if the others want to come, too," Yukiko says.

As the four of us leave the classroom, I notice Yosuke is still sat at his desk.

I assure Shin, Chie and Yukiko that I'll catch up with them as I go back into the classroom.

"Hey," I say, standing by his desk. He has his head in his hand, and briefly lifts it when he hears my voice.

"What do you want?" He grunts.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"You don't look it."

"Mind your own business." He resumes his position.

"Can we talk?" I ask, though it's almost like I'm talking to a brick wall.

"I'm busy right now."

"Can we talk later, then?"

"Dude, just leave me alone, will you?"

"Oh," I sigh. "Okay. I'm sorry." He doesn't look back up at me again, and I exit the room, looking back once before noticing that he doesn't even care.

I know I fucked up. Is he still caught up on that...?

I just wanted to kiss him. That's all. Just a kiss. I wanted it to mean something. And it did. To me, at least. ...But it's obvious he hates his Shadow for allowing me to.


"I'm here," I say, jogging back to the group.

"Everything okay back there?" Shin asks.

"Yup," I nod. "Well... I don't think Yosuke is alright."

"You spoke to him?" Chie asks. I nod. "Mhm," she sighs.

"What did he say?" Yukiko asks.

"I don't know," I reply. "He'd barely looked at me, never mind spoke to me. It sucks."

"You... don't deserve that," Shin sighs.

"Maybe I do."

"Why? What could you have possibly done wrong? You're practically perfect."

I feel my cheeks flush a little. I expect him to realize how that sounded, and take it back -- but he doesn't.

"Hello, Senpai," Naoto greets the four of us.

"Hey, Naoto-kun!" Chie smiles. "'Sup with you?"

"Hm? Nothing."

"Where's Kanji-kun and Rise-chan?" Yukiko asks, looking around. "Usually, the three of you are together."

"Yes," Naoto sighs. "Kanji-kun said he'd meet us there, and Rise-san said she had to help out at the tofu shop before coming. So she'll meet us there, too."

"Oh, I see," Yukiko nods.

"Shall we go?" Shin smiles at me.


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