He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

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Yosuke's POV:

I know I should give them their privacy. If they're both still in his room, at least. I shouldn't end up at his room's door, making sure Yu is okay. I know I shouldn't, but I am.

What can I say? It's been over an hour now, and still no word from him.

I've been worried that Shin had done something to him. Maybe a crazy thought, yeah, but not necessarily an inaccurate one.

I wind up at the room door, and notice it's open ever-so-slightly. I can see the light from inside the room growing brighter as I let myself in.

Granted, yes, maybe I should have knocked. I mean, maybe his roommates are in there getting changed, or something. But I'm not thinking of that right now.

I glance over to the bed and my heart drops. The two of them lie together, interlocked with one another - holding each other. So close that they could probably be mistaken for one whole thing. Yu's top buttons are loose, and Shin lays there in a baggy t-shirt.

My heart hurts. It's like it's failing to function at this point. Like the blood stops circulating. So much that it comes to a point where I think I might pass out just at the sight of them. But I can't be the first thing they see when they wake up.

I force my frozen legs to move, and dart out of the hotel room.


I run to the far end of the hallway and slam my fist into the wall, screaming at myself.

Why does this hurt so much? I knew he wouldn't go through with it. He couldn't. But I still had hope, for once, that he'd spit it out. But he lied. Again.

I wish he'd just do things straight out. He loves me, right? So what the fuck is he doing in there with Shin? He was supposed to break up with him, for me - for us. But, of course, they look as snug as ever together.

It makes my blood boil. Not even at Shin, anymore. At Yu. Because he keeps making empty promises, and pretending he cares about me. I can't do this with him anymore.

Yes, I'll always be by his side. As a friend, if I have to. But I'm not dating him when he still has ties to Shin.

Friends, right? That's obviously what he wants. Am I fool to believe he actually wanted something more? Was I purely for his amusement?

No, I know I'm not. He wouldn't do that to someone - least of all me. But what he does just doesn't make sense. His actions, his words, his thoughts - none of them add up. And I'm struggling to decipher which is the closest to the truth.

I yelp in pain, either from my heart or my fist pounding the wall. I back away a little, and watch the blood trickle down my knuckles.

"Fuck!" I yell, kicking the wall instead.

"Hey!!" A squeaky voice calls behind me. I heard the door open before, so I know someone can see me.

Teddie waddles toward me, holding my fist back from punching the brick again.

"Let go!" I grumble, trying to break free. You know, for a bear-themed Shadow, he is pretty strong. Either that, or I have no stamina left.

"You woke me up!" He yells, using my own hand to slap me across the face.

"Dude!" I yell, placing my palm over my cheek, trying to somewhat reduce the pain. "What the fuck?!"

"Just keep it down," he says. "Or you'll be bear-y sorry!"

"I'm not in the mood for your lame bear puns," I scoff.

"Awww, why not?" He pouts.

"I'm just not, Ted, alright? Listen, I'm sorry I woke you up; I know you're not feeling well. Just go back in the room, okay? I'll be fine."

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