Chasing Away

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Yu's POV:

Shin puts his free hand on my knee while steering the car with his other.

"Aren't you gonna speak to me?" He asks, softly.

My eyes don't move from the window.

"Koibito," he whispers.

"Maybe we should break up."

"Wh-what?" He stammers, pulling the car to a stop. "What has gotten into you?"

"Shin, I'm scared."

"Scared of what? Hey, Yu... Talk to me..."

"I'm scared of myself."

"Why are you saying shit like that?" He frowns. "Has someone said something to you?"

"No," I sigh. "I'm not well."

"Hm? Do you need some medicine? We can go to the drug store if you need--"

"You don't get it," I mumble.

"Hey," he coos, reaching out for my hand. "We're gonna get through this. Together. That's why you can't give up. Because if you give up, I can't help you."

"I just think it'd be better if we went our separate ways."

"If you're afraid of hurting me, you're sorely mistaken," he frowns. "You don't have to leave me out of fear."

"I want you to be happy."

"I am happy. Whenever I'm with you."

"Why me?" I say. "I'm the shittiest person you coulda chosen."

"You know why I chose you, Yu?"


"Because you're special. When I saw you, I felt like I'd known you forever. I knew I had to be with you. You're everything I ever wanted to be."

"Someone else could have been that."

"Cut it out," he grunts. "I love you, okay? You, and only you. No one is better for me."


"Come here," he says, reaching over to embrace me. "We're almost there."


Yosuke's POV:

I think it's Teddie's snoring that wakes me up.

"Ugghhh, shut upppp," I groan, throwing a hand over my face. But that doesn't stop the obnoxiously loud snorting.

I throw my pillow onto the sleeping bear, and pick up my cell.

Of course I'd have expected Yu to text me back by now. But, he hasn't. Maybe he's still asleep, anyway. Or... just mad at me?

I swipe across the screen to see Giichi's icon pop up.


Giichi: hey...

Giichi: im so sorry if i
made everythin worse

Yosuke: It's okay, it's not your

Giichi: are u OK?

Yosuke: I guess so

Giichi: sorry for stealin
u for the nite ;)

Yosuke: Haha I didn't mind

Yosuke: I suppose a change was
pretty nice

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