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Yosuke's POV:

"Why aren't you leaving?" I mutter.

It's been at least an hour since Yu left, and Kanji hasn't moved a muscle.

"You must think I'm batshit crazy if I was gonna leave you alone."

"All I want, Kanji, is to be alone right now. By myself. No one else. No distractions, nothing. Just silence."

"Shit, Yosuke..." He sighs.

"And it's not like Yu'll wanna speak to me."

"What are you talking about? Of course he will."

"He's more heartbroken than I am right now."


"Shin wasn't my best friend, okay? Sometimes I did wish he was dead. Or that he'd just disappear out of my life again. But now he's really gone... I was so terrified of him trying to steal my life, that I had no idea what was going through his mind. All he wanted was for someone to love him. I couldn't be that person, so he turned to Yu."

"That doesn't mean you can't be upset."

"Oh, fuck off."

"Dude, I'm just trying to-"

"You don't know shit."

"...We're you jealous that he turned to Yu?"

"...I don't know. Maybe," I mutter.

"Oh, yeah? Jealous of who?"

"I don't even know anymore," I sigh. "I was planning to forgive him after he admitted everything... He just took too long."

He sighs. "...You don't wanna go home tonight, do you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Stay at my place. Mom won't mind, honest."

"Kanji, I don't think I should-"

"You're exhausted. My place is closer than yours. Just tonight, alright? I promise. You'll feel so much better when you wake up."

"Yeah, but that won't make up for all of tonight's disasters, will it?"

"Come on," he says, offering me a hand up.

"I don't need help." I push his hand to the side.

"Okay. Fine. My bad."

He backs up, leaving me space to move.

"You want me to text Yu?" He asks.

"Why?" I frown.

"To let him know you're okay?"

"Nah, don't worry about it," I breathe.


"The last thing he needs right now is any reminder of what happened. I'll talk to him tomorrow."

"Yeah... Okay," he mutters.


Yu's POV:

I know there's some booze somewhere. My uncle's secret stash. Whenever Adachi came around last year, he always mentioned him keeping a supply.

The trouble is, he's a detective. He knows which places seem obvious and which don't.

I don't know why he bothers hiding it when he's the only one who drinks. Or he used to be.

"Goddammit!" I kick the counter with my foot in frustration, and lean over it with my head in my hands.

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