The King's Game || Part Two

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Yu's POV:

"Ooh!" Rise giggles.

"Th- the what?!" Chie gasps.

"D-do we have to...?" Yukiko shuffles in her seat.

"What's the King's Game?" Shin asks me.

"You've... never played the King's Game before?" I ask, in disbelief.

He shakes his head. "I don't really play the type of games you kids play."

'You kids'. Right.

"Well," I begin. "We each pick a chopstick from the pot. They all have numbers on, unless you have a red mark, which means you're the King."

"The King gets to demand any number to do anything they say!" Rise interjects.

"Don't feel like you have to play, though," Naoto looks embarrassed.

"I'll play," Shin says. "Why not?"

"And you don't have a choice, Yu-senpai!" Kanji points at me.

"I loooooove the King's Game!" Teddie squeals.

"Regretting this yet, Kanji?" Chie smirks.

"W-we don't talk about that!!" Kanji's cheeks go pink with frustration, remembering him and Teddie at the club.

"Can we start, yet?" Shin asks.

"Uh, I'll pass," Yosuke says.

"Nuh-uh!" Rise says. "Everyone has to play."

"Here." Shin grabs a bottle of sake from his school bag, resting it on the table.

"Wh- what the hell?" Chie says.

"What?" He shrugs.

"We're all still underage," Yosuke mutters.

"I'm only a year off," Shin shrugs.

"And what about the rest of us?!" Naoto frowns.

"You'll be fine," he chuckles. "Don't be such losers. You'll have one, right, Narukami?"

"Sure," I say.

"You can't be serious...!" Naoto gasps.

"After all the shit that's happened over the past few days, I'd say I deserve it," I say, pouring myself a glass.

"See? That's the spirit!" Shin smiles, also taking a glass. "Can't start a fun game with no adrenaline, right?"

He offers everyone a glass.

"I'll take one," Rise says. "My manager has been ringing me nonstop and I can't deal with it!" She groans.

"Pass," Naoto says, sternly.

"Your loss," Shin shrugs.

"That's not even yours," Yosuke points out. "You stole that from Mom and Dad."

"So what? They won't miss one bottle."

"Okay, okay, stop arguing!" Kanji says.

"Is everyone ready?!" Rise asks, after taking another sip.

"Hell yeah," Shin answers for us all.

We each pick up a chopstick, and I get the number 6.

"Who's the King?" Yukiko asks.

"Meee!" Teddie cheers.

"Oh, shit," Yosuke sighs.

"Hmmmm... Number 5!"

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