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Yu's POV:

It's different, now. Because now we drive in silence.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

He nods. "Yeah. I'm just glad you're here."


"Hey, can you call Yosuke? I just wanna make sure he's alright. My phone's just in the backseat, if you can reach it."

I do as he says, and bend backwards in order to grab his phone.

"Passcode?" I ask.

"My birthday."

"...Which is?"

"You don't know my birthday?" He frowns, offended.

"The question never popped up," I shrug.

"8th January."

"Alright, I'm in."

"He'll be under the contact of 'Baby Bro'."

"Aww," I chuckle.

"Hey, don't tell anyone that, though."

"No promises."

I find his contact, and press the 'call' button. It rings twice before he answers.

"Where the fuck are you?!" He snaps. "No, screw that. Where is Yu?! What did you do?! Is he okay??"

"Yosuke, calm down," I say.

He gasps at the other line. "W-wait, what?"

"It's me," I chuckle. "I'm okay."

"Jesus, Yu!! Where the hell are you guys?!"

"It doesn't matter."

"Of course it fucking matters! Do you have any idea how worried I was about you?!"

"Yosuke, you're not my mom," I laugh. "Stop worrying so much."

"Y-you're missing the point!"

"Shin told me the everything; don't worry."

"Oh, damn..." He sighs. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry you got dragged into this."

"Me? You got dragged into it, too."

"Hey, let's not blame this all on me, alright?" Shin groans.

"What time are you coming back?" Yosuke asks.

"...We're not," I breathe.

"What?" He mutters. "You're... leaving?"

"It's complicated."

"No... You can't leave. You never even said goodbye!"

"Goodbyes are too hard, Yosuke," I sigh. "I'll say it now."

"No," he snaps. "Come back. Right now, Yu."

"It's okay. We're okay."

"Nothing is okay, Yu."

"It's better this way."

"Tell me where you are."

"... I don't know where we are," I mumble.

"Shin, take him back, right now!" He yells through the phone, loud enough for Shin to hear.

"Listen, Yosuke," he sighs. "If you really care about him, you'd let him do this. Going back to Inaba is suicide."

"...Well at least come to Tokyo," he begs. "They won't know you're there. Just come, and then I can see you one last time."

"Yosuke," I say.

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