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Yu's POV:

"Holy shit, Yosuke," I scoff, hurrying to greet him as he comes through the main door. "You're... soaked, dude," I laugh.

"I-it's f-freezing out there," he shivers, making his way into the living room.

"Where the hell have you been?" I ask, taking off my jacket to cover him.

"Y-you slept in 'c-cause school was cancelled, a-and I wanted to get y-your uncle something to say thank you... I- I didn't wanna w-wake you."

He sneezes, his full body shaking.

"You big idiot," I laugh. "School was cancelled because of the huge fucking storm outside."

"I- I didn't know it..." He coughs. "W-was that bad..."

"You feel like ice," I grin, taking his hands in my own.

"C-can we lie down?" He groans.

"Yeah. Of course."

"Are you okay, Yosuke-kun?" Nanako asks, peering her head over the couch.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine!" He splutters, tripping over his own feet.

"Easy there," I smile, helping him back up.

"G-geez," he groans, rubbing his eyes. "S-sorry, dude."

"Feel free to lean on me," I chuckle.

"Yeah, I don't need an invite for that," he scoffs, immediately pushing his weight onto me as we head to the couch.

"Hey, Nanako? Mind sitting on the floor for me?" I smile.

"Mhm-hm," she nods.

"No," Yosuke quickly objects. "No. Nanako-chan, s-stay there - it's fine, I swear."

"Yosuke," I warn.

"It's okay, Yosuke-kun," she says, her smile wide. "I don't mind."

"Why does Yosuke get the couch!?" Teddie groans.

"He needs to rest," I explain. "Please, Teddie."

"...But he always gets special treatment!" He pouts. "Me and Nana-chan were here first."

"It's okay," Nanako chuckles. "Right, Teddie?" She grabs his hand and pulls him down onto the floor.

"...Hrm... Fine," he frowns. "But only because Nana-chan wants to."

"Thank you," I nod.

I help Yosuke lay down, pulling a blanket atop of him.

"Hey," he grumbles, pulling me down by the front of my shirt as I try to readjust his covering.

"Mhm?" I whisper, feeling his breath on my face.

"Thanks for looking after me," he smirks, his eyes still drowsy.

"Hey!" Teddie yells. "Stop that! Sensei said he'd watch TV with me and Nana-chan!"

"...I did?" I furrow my eyebrows as Yosuke releases me from his grasp.

"That's such..." Yosuke coughs. "Crap."

"Hmph," he mutters. "Well, I make the rules, now! Come on, Sensei! Come down here."

I give Yosuke a sympathetic smile, but he returns it with a pout.

Teddie grabs ahold of my arm, and Nanako copies him at my other side.

"W-woah, you two," I chuckle, suddenly feeling cramped in the middle.

"Hey, big bro, we should let Teddie choose what to watch!" Nanako beams.

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