Get The Bear

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Yosuke's POV:

"What is wrong with you?" I frown as Yu takes me into the Junes' storage room. I remember when we came here the first time. All because he cared about me.

He closes the door and turns to face me. "I don't want you hanging around that guy anymore."


"I just-- don't. Okay?"

"Why not?"


"Yu, tell me what's bothering you."

"He's not good for you."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean... He's nothing to you, okay? What am I to you?"

"Y-You're my best friend..."

"No, Yosuke," he sighs. "We're not best friends."

"We're... not?" I ask, confused.

"How can I be in love with my best friend?" He rubs his forehead with unease.

"L-love...?" I stammer. I can hear my own heart pounding in my ears.

"And... I'm sorry, okay? I know it's not right. I know I shouldn't love you."

"Why shouldn't you...?"

"Because... You and Miura--"

"Are nothing," I finish.

"Huh?" He looks down to face me. "What are you talking about?"

"You," I smile, moving closer to him. Close enough that his body brushes against mine every breath he takes.


"I love... you."

I sling my arms around his neck, and gently press our lips together.

Oh, how I've been longing for his touch. It feels like forever since I've been spoiled this way.

He holds my waist, as he so often does, making my heart leap inside my chest, getting all excited at the attention. Then he lifts one hand carefully enough to caress my cheek, making me chuckle slightly.

It's like he knew what he was doing. As though he knew the right buttons to press in order for me to confess the truth. And I love it.

"Yosuke," he moans through our parting kisses.

"Yeah, partner?"

"Why did you lie to me?"

I pant heavily. Wow... Yu really knows how to make me breathless. Literally.

"I needed to show you," I begin, forcing our lips together again. "How much you needed me."

"I... don't like that," he sighs, stopping me.

"Huh...?" I frown. "Yu?"

"You made me feel like real shit, you know?"

"It's okay, now," I smile. "Because I love you, and you love me."

"So that means it's okay to toy with my feelings like that?"

"Huh? No! I never said that! And, hey, how did you think I felt whenever you were with Shin, huh?!"

"Shin treats me like I'm somebody. You straight up replaced me."

"Replaced you?" I scoff. "Why the hell would I do that? You're the best thing I have."

"And you're doing this to me? Telling me you're dating someone else? Knowing how much I care about that sort of thing?"

"Y-you were the one who wanted to keep us as friends!" I argue.

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