Just Us

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Yosuke's POV:

"Shut up!" I beg.

"Whaaaat?" Teddie whines. "I'm not doing anything."

"For god's sake, dude, turn it down!" I groan.

"But it's Rise-chan's new ad!!" He giggles. "She's so pretty."

"Yeah, we get it," I mumble. "She's gorgeous, so what?"

"You'd never get a girl like her, Yosuke," he huffs with satisfaction.

"Oh, yeah?" I smirk. "...What about a guy?"

"Wh- whaaaa--?!" He gasps. "R-Rise-chan's not a guy!! Grrr, how dare you insult her beauty!!"

"Not her, idiot," I chuckle. "I mean... Yu."

"You think you have a chance with Sensei?" He scoffs. "Oh, please. I have a better chance than you do."

"At least I'm human."

"Y'know, us Shadows are very powerful. I could beat you to a pulp."

"I'd like to see you try."

"Sensei will never love you!!" He cries.

"Wow, Ted," I scoff. "I open up to you about my feelings, and this is how you advise me?"

"But Sensei loves Shin," he furrows his eyebrows.

"W-well... maybe," I frown. "But I'm gonna get him back. You'll see."

"You're only gonna make things worse," he sings. "Is that really what you want?"

"N-no..." I say. "I won't, Ted. I swear. I know he feels the same way about me."

"What about Giichi?" He asks. "Didn't you have a thing for him?"

"No," I shake my head. "Never the way that I do for Yu."

"Ughhh, you're so lame, Yosuke," he groans. "You gotta get on the playing field!!"

"I don't wanna date random guys," I tell him. "I only wanna date him."

"Eughhhhh," he groans.

"Oh, shut it," I chuckle. "You've probably had a crush on him too, at some point."

"H-have not!!" He folds his arms like a little kid.

"No way..." I smirk.

"I didn't! Really, I have never!!"

"Now I'm even more suspicious, Ted..." I grin.

"S-Sensei doesn't love either of us."

"No, he just doesn't love you."

"He does love me," he pouts.


"Hey, Yosuke?" He says, climbing onto my bed.

"What now?"

"D'you know which room Sensei's gonna be in for the school trip?"

"...Maybe," I stifle a laugh.

"H-huh?! You said we couldn't find out until we get there!"

"Well, I may have distracted a teacher to check the lists..."

"Wait, you changed the lists?" He asks, eyes wide open.

"Just a tad," I shrug. "Just so me and him were together."

"Sheesh, Yosuke," he tuts. "You're like a lovesick schoolboy."

"Maybe I am."

"I'm with you guys too, right?"

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