I'll Be There For You

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Yosuke's POV:

Chie and Yukiko come back into the diner, but Chie looks pissed as hell. Yukiko walks beside her, rubbing her arm in an attempt to calm her down.

Sheesh... What did Yu say to her?

The two girls take their seats, and Yukiko helps Chie take her jacket off.

"Is everything alright?" Giichi asks.

"Mind your own business," Chie snaps, folding her arms with a frown.

"O-oh, I'm sorry on her behalf..." Yukiko laughs nervously. "It's not your fault, really... She's just a bit... upset."

"No shit," I grin.

"You shut up!" She quickly stands, pointing directly at me.

Stares of multiple people around us hit me like a boulder as I try to get her to sit down.

After a couple more moments, Yu enters the building, and sits beside Shin without a word.

At his arrival, Chie and I stop arguing, Yukiko stops tugging at Chie's shirt, urging her to sit down; everyone's eyes are on him.

He doesn't seem to notice, though, as he takes his coat off casually, and leans backwards on his seat.

"Food's here," Giichi announces, breaking the silence.

But nobody says anything after that.


Yu's POV:

"Why's everyone so quiet?" I whisper, nudging Shin's knee under the table.

"Uh, Yu? Not to be at your throat, or anything, but did you say something to upset Chie-chan earlier?"

"I did not!" I snap. "It was her who was yelling at me!"

"Yu, stop that," Yukiko scolds.

"You were there!" I scoff. "You have to back me up!"

"Don't pin this all on me!" Chie slams her hands on the table.

"Everyone just calm down, okay?" Miura sighs. "Narukami, maybe it would be best if you apologized to Satonaka-chan."

"Keep your nose outta this," I grunt. "I didn't do shit."

"Maybe Yu's right..." Yosuke begins. "Maybe we should just let them handle it?"

"But, Yosuke--"

"Oh, shut your mouth, Miura," Chie rolls her eyes.

"Guys!" Yosuke says, exasperated. "Stop bringing him into this!"

"Chie, look, I'm sorry, okay? I have no clue what I've done to upset you, but I'm apologizing now," I sigh.


"Oh, seriously?" I frown.

"Hey, maybe you should calm down, too," Shin says, rubbing my arm.

"I am perfectly calm."

"Let's just eat, everyone..." Naoto suggests.


Yosuke's POV:

"Holy shit, that was delicious!!" Kanji chuckles, once we've all finished.

"Ughhh... I'm so full, I couldn't eat another bite," Rise groans, holding her stomach.

"It was quite tasty, I will admit," Naoto smiles. "However, I couldn't bring myself to finish it all."

"Thank you, Giichi-kun," Yukiko says.

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