You're Enough

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Yu's POV:

"You okay?" I ask, watching her stumble slightly.

"F-fine," she wheezes.

"Come on, let's sit down," I urge.

"I didn't know I was so out of shape..."

"You're not," I say. "We have been at it for a while. Come on."


"Oof." Chie sits beside me, panting, as I hand her a water bottle that she chugs almost instantly. "Now that... That was refreshing." She wipes a trickle of sweat from her forehead.

"Agreed," I nod. Really, we'd just been running laps up and down the riverbank. A couple of press-ups, you know, the usual.

"Suprised you came," she grins. "Thought you were too busy with Yosuke."

"Oh, uh... Nah..." I close my eyes tightly. "But, can I... Ask you something?"


"Did Yosuke... mention something to you about... I don't know... Someone else?"

"What do you mean, 'someone else'?" She frowns.

"L-like..." I sigh. "Y'know... Miura? Because... Well, I don't know all the details yet, but-"

"Hold up," she chuckles. "You're... jealous of Miura?!"

"Not jealous," I mumble.

"Dude, you so are!" She cackles.

"Well... It's like the two of them have just... you know, clicked."

"Miura is so not Yosuke's type. They are in the past, okay? All Yosuke talks about now is... Well, is you."

"...Really?" I smile.

"Yeah," she shrugs. "What made you doubt that?"

"I guess... Miura and I had a talk, and... he just... seemed more fit for the job as a boyfriend, I guess."

"Not in a million years would Yosuke choose that bastard over you." She wipes her mouth with her hand.

"You're probably right," I sigh. "Things have just been up and down, recently. I don't know where we stand."

"Don't you wanna be with him?"

"Of course I do!"

"So what's stopping you?" She crosses her arms and faces me. "Fear?"

I look away with embarrassment.

"Hey, if it makes you feel any better," she continues. "I get scared, too, sometimes."

"Of what?" I turn my head back to face her.

"Y'know... Not being enough for Yukiko. Or that I'm afraid she'll get bored of me, or find someone new."

"I could never imagine you being so insecure," I smile.

"It's not funny," she shrugs. "It... sucks."

"But you get past those fears."

"Yeah," she smiles to herself. "Because of her."

"What do you mean?"

"She knows how to make me feel better, I guess. She always knows the right thing to say, the right thing to do. Even when I don't want her to."

"You're lucky to have each other."

"She always says, 'Chie, you're being ridiculous. You know I love you. Nothing will tear us apart, do you understand?'" She muffles a laugh.

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