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Yu's POV:

Shin's blowing up my phone.

I guess there was no need for an alarm in the first place.


Shin: narukami pls tlk 2 me

Shin: i can explain everything

Shin: please yu

Shin: i need u 2 understand
my shit

Shin: ik ur mad @ me

Shin: but there's sumthing between
the two of us

Shin: n u know it

Shin: please, talk to me, koibito

Shin: i'm so fucking sorry

Shin: i miss u sm

Shin: please don't leave me

I don't want to leave him. He deserves so much more than that...

But I can't talk to him. As shitty as it makes me feel, I can't...

I have to show him boundaries. I have to show him that I won't let him push me around.

I want to help him -- of course I do. But not like this...


I walk to school alone, avoiding everyone in sight.

Suddenly, I bump into Ai.

"Oh, s-sorry," I apologize.

"Hey! Look where you're-- Yu?" Her eyes are wide. I smile a little, and she hugs me. "It's been so long! I thought you were gone forever!"

"Not forever," I chuckle.

"Who're you avoiding?" She asks, like it's obvious.

"No one," I shrug.

"People piss me off more than they do to you, so keep talking."

"Just.. everyone, I suppose."

"Huh? Why? You have so many great friends.." She says it almost sadly.

"Senpai?" Naoto says, quietly.


"Hey, Naoto," I try to smile, helping her move along. But she makes her way over to us, regardless.

"Good morning, Ai-san," she bows.

I know Ai is trying her best to be polite, but she cringes all the way through her next sentence. "Hello, Naoto-kun... Good morning to you, too..."

I can't help but chuckle.

"It isn't funny!" She hisses. Naoto smiles, too.

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